Money-back guarantee for your tithes if God doesn’t bless you?!?! Now I’ve heard just about everything. False teachers always have something new, don’t they? Perry Noble is a world-class heretic, as are those who teach the same things he teaches; they are just shrilling for more money. Run from such churches as fast as you can. (The whole issue of tithes for Christians is a lie to begin with — Christians do not tithe and were never told by God to tithe.)
Music segregation in church — good questions.
Steve Gaines, again. VBS in his church is a wee bit wild and unbiblical.
A perfect example as to why Steve Cioccolanti is a false prophet.
AutoBibleCorrect. Some good humor/satire from Elizabeth Prata. Unfortunately, too many false teachers apparently use this App.
The Apologia Church — Hadn’t heard of this one before. Just another group of people wanting to feel good about being spiritual without actually having to live like mature Christians. Seeker-sensitive nonsense.
Ronnie Floyd — proven to be a false teacher.
Bill Gothard: The Cult Next Door.
Can someone explain why the Methodist church shouldn’t be considered totally apostate?
An example of why the nutty NAR prophets are false ones! H/T Doug Evans
Yes, we are to expose false teachers and even name them.
Another good article refuting the lie that Christians aren’t to judge.
I can’t add anything to this excellent commentary by Jeff Maples in regard to this travesty, except to say this is why our youth are so spiritually immature.
I don’t think Paul or Jesus would approve of this deception for spreading the gospel. Nor do I think they would recommend pretend to be abased pagans! The pragmatism of saying it permitted the delivery of a huge number of tracts is reprehensible. Since when does pragmatism dictate our behavior?
If you don’t like what the Bible says about a particular sin, why don’t you just re-interpret it to modern cultural standards? That’s what a couple of “leading” Anglican bishops want to do about homosexual behavior; they think “we need to change the church.” I think they should make up their own religion and then they can do what they like. (Oh, and contrary to a suggestion in the article, the command to multiply was NEVER for the Christian church — regardless of what so many Romanists and other legalists claim.) Ken Ham has a good commentary on this situation.
For ending today’s episode: Benny Hinn can’t believe he’s still getting away with it.
The article The Cult Next Door about Gothard was very disturbing to read. I know about the scandal he's embroiled in, but I didn't know that man packed up and moved to Texas to resume his "ministry". Talk about a truly unrepentant heart. Just like Driscoll and MH... now relocated to Arizona...
ReplyDeleteMakes me sick.
I was surprised to read the negatives about Apologia Church. Pastor Jeff Durbin does an admireral job with the LDS Church. I've watched several of his videos on you tube.