Thursday, May 26, 2016

Random Aberrations, Apostasies, and Heresies

Christian Publishing Full Of Rotten Fruit.”  Just now figuring that out?!?  I’ve been saying, for at least 30 years, that Christian book stores are minefields of false teachings.

This hour-long examination of “The Prayer of Jabez” book really hits the nail on the head!

Praying with our bodies?!?!? Where is this in Scripture?  This is total pagan nonsense.  Just more foolishness from the Methodist Church.

The New Apostolic Reformation — You will know them by their nuts.  H/T Marsha West

The Church of Scotland slips into apostasy.

The Daniel Prayer!?!  Another inane idea, this time from Anne Graham Lotz.

Mike Bickle has absolutely no clue about what the Bible says.

False teaching founder of KJV Onlyism has died.  Ruckman was about as whacked-out as they come.

Todd Bentley — Angelic encounter, or demonic encounter?  Definitely demonic (and there is nothing true about his stories!) And yet Bill Johnson has blessed him!  H/T Mary Dalke

Lighthouse Trails Research has a new tract booklet about the Alpha Course.

List of links about false teacher Jen Hatmaker.

Vineyard has long been aberrant in their teachings, but now they’ve crossed the line into heresy.

Why pastors should say “NO MORE!” to Beth Moore.

Glory of Zion goat pen — why do people get involved with such nonsense?!?!?

Heavenly Tourism” is all fake.

The Clear Word Bible is a false Bible with added text supporting the cult of Seventh-day Adventism.

Kenneth Hagin is pretty much known as the father of the Word of Faith heresy.  The video in this article says “demonic activity” to me.

Finally, you vision-casting pastors need to be careful!


  1. "Christian" publishing and the contemporary "Christian" music industry have the same problem. Worthless rubbish at best. Dangerous heresy at worst. All in the name of profit.

    Frankly, the concept of celebrity "c"hristendom needs to GO AWAY. That would clean up the bookstores rather quickly... and would also shrink the RAAH considerably. :)


  2. ...and would also shrink the RAAH considerably

    Wouldn't that be great!!!

  3. Glenn,

    The way you consistently sift through this rubbish is a testimony to God's grace and an iron stomach!


  4. And this isn't even half of the stuff I come across! A very sad state the Church at large is in.

  5. The most eye opening part of the Kenneth Hagin video is the fact that he has to have two personal body guards next to him at all times to protect and keep him from being harmed by the people he causes to have seizures. And that's what it looks like to me - seizures caused by ??

    Interesting that in the scriptures when Jesus healed people He usually helped them to their feet, treating them with with respect and care (see Mark 1:31; 9:27). satan, on the other hand, just like Hagin, threw them down (see Mark 9:20; 26), debased them (Mark 5:2-5) and tried to harm them (Mark 9:22).


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