The thing that marks off the Christian from the man who is not a Christian is not merely that he believes in the Lord Jesus Christ unto salvation, and trusts Him and His atoning work, but that, in addition, the life of the Christian is governed altogether by this Person. Jesus Christ is Lord; and the Christian believes in the Lord Jesus Christ. You cannot believe in Him as Saviour without believing in Him as Lord. If you have any belief in Him at all you believe in the whole Christ; and therefore He becomes the Lord of your Life. The Christian does not merely do things because they are good and right, and because it is wrong to do certain other things; the differentiating mark of the Christian is the he does everything “as unto the Lord,” “in the fear of Christ,” because Christ is his Lord.
Isn't it sad that a growing number of evangelicals don't understand this very basic point? Seeker-sensitive evangelism has intensified the problem.