Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Power of Music

I have often stated that for any song of worship or praise, the music must be congruent with the message.   This lacking of congruence is very noticeable in much of “contemporary” Christian music, and it is invading the Church wholesale.   A commenter on my post, Contemporary Music Demands Immediacy, cited an ancient quote about the power of music, which led me to thinking about this collection from David W. Cloud’s book, Contemporary Christian Music Under the Spotlight.  Reviewing these citations should make people think twice about what they are using for “worship and praise.”  

“Musical training is a more potent instrument that any other, because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul.”  Plato, 428-348 B.C.

“Music directly represents the passions or states of the soul—gentleness, anger, courage, temperance. … If a person habitually listens to the kind of music that rouses ignoble passions, his whole character will be shaped to an ignoble form.  In short, if one listens to the wrong kind of music he will become the wrong kind of person; but conversely, if he listens to the right kind of music he will tend to become the right kind of person.”  Aristotle, 384-322 B.C.

“Music is part of our human nature; it has the power either to improve or debase our character.”  Boethius, 480-524 A.D. (Greek philosopher and statesman)

“We know by experience that music has a secret and almost incredible power to move hearts.”
John Calvin, 1509-1564 A.D.

“For whether you wish to comfort the sad, to terrify the happy, to encourage the despairing, to humble the proud, to calm the passionate, or to appease those full of hate—and who could number all these masters of the human heart, namely, the emotions, inclinations, and affections that impel men to evil or good?—what more effective means than music could you find?”
Martin Luther, 1483-1546 A.D.

“Music is the most powerful stimulus known among the perceptive senses.  The medical, psychiatric and other evidence for the non-neutrality of music is so overwhelming that it frankly amazes me that anyone should seriously say otherwise.”  Dr. Max Schoen, The Psychology of Music, 1940.

“Music is a curiously subtle art with innumerable, varying emotional connotations.  It is made up of many ingredients and, according to the proportions of these components, it can be soothing or invigorating, ennobling or vulgarizing, philosophical or orgiastic.  It has powers of evil as well as good.”  Dr. Howard Hanson, American composer, conductor, and teacher, Director of the Eastman School of Music at the University of Rochester, 1942.

“The fact that music can both excite and incite has been known from time immemorial. … Now in our popular music, at least, we seem to be reverting to savagery . . . and youngsters who listen constantly to this sort of sound are thrust into turmoil.  They are no longer relaxed, normal kids.”  Dr. Dimitri Tiomkin, composer and conductor, 1965.

“We cannot change the basic effect of certain kinds of rhythm and beat simply by attaching to them a few religious or semi-religious words.  The beat will still get through to the blood of the participants and the listeners.  Words are timid things.  Decibels and beat are bold things, which can so easily bury the words under an avalanche of sound. … There are music forms, whether secular or sacred, which create moods of pensiveness, or idealism, of awareness of beauty, of aspiration, and of holy joyousness.  There are other forms of music which create moods of recklessness and sensual excitement.  Surely it doesn’t take much judgment to know which forms are most appropriate for religious functions.”  Dr. Richard M. Taylor (professionally trained musician), 1973.

“Words are incidental at best, or monotonous and moronic as usual.  But the point is, that they don’t matter.  What you dance to is the beat, the bass and drums.  And with this mix and volume, not only is the beat sensed, but literally felt, as this aspect of the rhythm section takes precedence over melody and harmony.”  Dr. Stephen Halpern (professionally trained musician), 1978.

“Music is a two-edged sword.  It’s really a powerful drug.  Music can poison you, lift your spirits or make you sick without knowing why.  Whereas mellow tones can relax you, loud grinding music can cause blood pressure to rise, leading to headaches and an anxious feeling.”  Dr. Adam Knieste (Musicologist who studies the effects of music on human behavior), 1983.

“Since music is an emotional language, and since some emotions are wrong for the child of God, then some music is wrong for the Christian.”  Mike Coyle (world-class professional French horn virtuoso), 1983.

“Music is a form of language . . . music's more than a language.  It is the language of languages. … Like human nature itself, music cannot possibly be neutral in its spiritual direction.”  David Tame, musical researcher, 1984.

“Music is something terribly special. … it doesn’t have to pass through the censor of the brain before it can reach the heart . . .  An F-sharp doesn’t have to be considered in the mind; it is a direct hit, and therefore, all the more powerful.”  Leonard Bernstein (composer, conductor, author, music lecturer, and pianist), 1990.

“Music is not neutral.  It has the capability of communicating imbalance and sensuality, and it can confuse the spiritual effectiveness of the message.  Therefore, I as a Christian must draw the line.  Any music that cannot appropriately communicate the message is unfit to use to worship the Lord.”  Tim Fisher (musician, teacher), 1992.

Music is NOT neutral.  “Worship leaders” need to understand this and choose their music appropriately.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Roman Catholics and Satanic Deception

I’ve been cleaning out some old files to get rid of obsolete or redundant articles and such, and came across a newspaper article from 1994 when we lived in Geneva, IL.  The article is about so-called “miracles” which were taking place at a local Catholic book and gift shop.  I had shopped there a few times when I was seeking Catholic publications while studying Roman Catholicism, so I was familiar with the store.  

The news about the miracles had been on TV sometime prior to the newspaper article, if I remember correctly, or perhaps some other venue; I don’t remember now, but I do know the story had been around before the newspaper article.  I was working at the control tower at DuPage Airport in West Chicago at the time, and the street bordering the north side of the field went directly downtown St. Charles, and this store, “Angel Kisses,” was also on this street.

I was a front-line supervisor and my manager would often take lunch outside the facility so we could have some management discussions over lunch.  Mike was raised a Catholic and decided he wanted to see what all the fuss about the miracles was, so he decided we’d take a lunch out and stop in at the store. There was a pretty long line to get in, but people moved along fairly quickly, so we were inside within about 10 minutes.  But we didn’t continue in the line, rather we stood and watched the people and the statues for a good 30 minutes (we ended up going through a drive-through for lunch, taking it back to the tower with us).  

Before I continue with the story, the following is the article from the Aurora, IL paper, The Beacon-News, “The Daily Newspaper for the Fox Valley,” on 14 November 1994.

Headline was “Hundreds reports seeing a miracle,” with a secondary line of “Madonna nods: SC store owners invite people to decide for themselves.”  Article written by Denise Linke.

St. Charles — The question dogging hundreds of people who have seen the six plastic Madonna statues at the Angel Kisses gift shop here is simple: miracle, or optical illusion  Whatever the case, hundreds of people have reported seeing what they call a miracle at the shop at 504 E. Main St. here.  And it has changed life for John and Patricia Kulpin, who own the shop and say they first saw the statues’ heads move Oct. 24.  Now they have a difficult time closing the store.

“When we try to close the store we can’t because people keep coming to see the statues,” said Patricia, calling over the heads of half a dozen people clustered around the counter where the images stand, draped with pink-and-white baby rosaries.  Bud vases in front of each statue holding white roses and a large plaster image of Christ with its arms spread over the assemblage give the corner the atmosphere of a shrine.

News of the moving statues has brought more than 1,000 people to Angel Kisses over the past 2 1/2 weeks, said John.

Opinions vary
On Nov. 5, there were 91 people who signed the guest book kept to record sightings of the miracle — and John said most people don’t bother to sign the book.

While opinions vary drastically over whether the statues actually nod their heads, people seem to agree that the Kulpins are playing no tricks with their merchandise to drum up business.

“I don’t know how they could be doing it,” said one visitor who reported one Madonna tilted its head as she watched.  “You can see the statues have no joints or hinges.  This is God’s doing.”

“Knowing the owners, I would say there’s no manipulation or trickery involved,” said Father Joseph Linster, pastor of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in St. Charles.  Still, Linster has held off putting his seal of authenticity on the reports.  “I always approach something like this with a very critical eye,” he said.  “If it causes some people to take God more seriously, bless them.  If it has the same influence on them 10 years from now, I will be more inclined to accept its authenticity.”

Linster said several of his parishioners have told him that they or their spouses have rejoined the church after years of apathy because they saw the statues move.  Other visitors reported feeling a sense of peace, awe, or reverence while watching the statues, even if they didn’t see any movement.

Not a first miracle
A few said this is not the first miracle to bless Angel Kisses.  

“Nine or ten months ago, I had a huge cyst on my left hand,” said St. Charles resident Dana Jessogne.  “I showed it to Pat (Kulpin), and she gave me some holy water from Medjugorge to rub on it.  I put the holy water on it, drank some and we prayed together.  The next day, the cyst was gone.  I was scheduled to have surgery on it, but I didn’t need to because God healed it.  I’m very grateful.  I tell lots of people about it — and I’m not surprised that this is happening here, too.”

Nor have the miracles stopped with the moving Madonnas, Patricia said.  Several rosaries and bracelets touched to the statues have turned to gold, she said, and two plaster statues of Christ displayed with the Madonnas have moved their arms up as if to bless them.

The Kulpins say they think God and the Virgin Mary are performing the miracles to protest abortion.  Batavia resident Don Pitts, Jessogne’s father, said he thinks the statues have a different message for each visitor.

“It’s God’s work, that’s all,” said Pitts, who visited the store five times since hearing about the statues.  “He’s trying to send a message to me — I’m just not grasping it yet.”

Bothers some
Pitts said witnessing the miracle has helped him come to terms with his mother’s death three months ago and has led him, a non-practicing Baptist, to join the Lutheran Church.  “I’ve seen them actually move, like you move your head,” he said.  “I’m very, very fortunate to be able to see what’s going on.”

Some people don’t think seeing the movement is a sign of good fortune.

“It bothers me greatly,” said an Elburn woman who said she saw the statues move election night and returned the next morning to watch them in daylight.  “It seems very occult.  These are statues.  It’s more of a pagan thing to give power to statues.”

People will be able to see the statues and decide the question for themselves for a long time to come, said John Kulpin.  “It’s not a burden at all; it’s a pleasure,” he said about trying to run the store with dozens of worshipers and sightseers crowding in.

First, here are some thoughts which should have come into the minds of any discerning people:

1.  Since no one knows what Jesus looked like, why do they claim these statues are of Him, and why would God accept such false representations to use for miracles?

2.  Same question as above except the subject would be Mary.

3.  Why would God have statues move their body parts as a way to affirm people in their faith?  Is there any biblical example or warrant for this?

4.  Why would God have items turn to gold just because they touched a statue?

5.  What makes water “holy”?  Again, what is the biblical warrant or example for such a thing?

Okay, now let’s examine some of the statements in the article:

“Knowing the owners, I would say there’s no manipulation or trickery involved,” said Father Joseph Linster, pastor of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in St. Charles.
There was indeed manipulation.  Everyone was coming to see the emperor's new clothes and no one wants to be the one who says he's naked.   It is certain that God wasn't doing anything with these idolatrous statues. 

Still, Linster has held off putting his seal of authenticity on the reports.  “I always approach something like this with a very critical eye,” he said.  “If it causes some people to take God more seriously, bless them. If it has the same influence on them 10 years from now, I will be more inclined to accept its authenticity.”

Linster said several of his parishioners have told him that they or their spouses have rejoined the church after years of apathy because they saw the statues move.  Other visitors reported feeling a sense of peace, awe, or reverence while watching the statues, even if they didn’t see any movement.
So people rejoined a heretical church organization after seeing statues move?  Wouldn't that be something Satan would want?  Is this really nothing more than deception from Satan?

“Nine or ten months ago, I had a huge cyst on my left hand,” said St. Charles resident Dana Jessogne.  “I showed it to Pat (Kulpin), and she gave me some holy water from Medjugorge to rub on it.  I put the holy water on it, drank some and we prayed together.  The next day, the cyst was gone.  I was scheduled to have surgery on it, but I didn’t need to because God healed it.  I’m very grateful.  I tell lots of people about it — and I’m not surprised that this is happening here, too.”
Here is an anecdote with no evidence for the claims.  First, water proclaimed to be holy came from an idol and that is supposed to be healing from God? And where is the evidence to prove she had a cyst which needed surgery?  This is the sort of claim you get when the media is interviewing people who want to be part of the story.

Nor have the miracles stopped with the moving Madonnas, Patricia said.  Several rosaries and bracelets touched to the statues have turned to gold, she said, and two plaster statues of Christ displayed with the Madonnas have moved their arms up as if to bless them.
Again, why would God turn these items into gold just because they touched idols?  Especially since these idols don't really depict Christ or Mary. Would God really move the arms of such idols to indicate blessing of amulets?

The Kulpins say they think God and the Virgin Mary are performing the miracles to protest abortion.  Batavia resident Don Pitts, Jessogne’s father, said he thinks the statues have a different message for each visitor.
So, God has no other way to protest abortion but to do silly tricks with statues which are idols?  And why abortion?  Where do we find Mary being able to perform miracles in the Bible?  Is abortion the Kulpin's cause of the year and this was a way of getting some news coverage?

“It’s God’s work, that’s all,” said Pitts, who visited the store five times since hearing about the statues.  “He’s trying to send a message to me — I’m just not grasping it yet.”
No, it isn't God's work because there is nothing of God in such foolishness.  The only message God would send is through His Word, and that would be to learn some discernment!

Pitts said witnessing the miracle has helped him come to terms with his mother’s death three months ago and has led him, a non-practicing Baptist, to join the Lutheran Church.  “I’ve seen them actually move, like you move your head,” he said.  “I’m very, very fortunate to be able to see what’s going on.”
How does watching idolatrous statues moving help someone "come to terms" with anyone's death? And why the Lutheran Church when it's a Catholic "miracle" -- shouldn't that make him want to join the Catholic church?

Some people don’t think seeing the movement is a sign of good fortune.

“It bothers me greatly,” said an Elburn woman who said she saw the statues move election night and returned the next morning to watch them in daylight.  “It seems very occult.  These are statues.  It’s more of a pagan thing to give power to statues.”
This is the first person with common sense and discernment.  IF these statues did actually move, it was certainly done from the demonic realm. God doesn't play games, nor does he condone idolatry.

Watching the statues and the people, and listening to all the talking, it was apparent that everyone was imagining sightings or being deceived by Satan.  No statue moved, and we were watching at the same time people were claiming to see movement.  It was more like mass hysteria or mass hypnosis - people saw what they wanted to see, whether or not anything actually took place.  The whole thing smelled of publicity to get business to the store--why else would the media be there?

This is what happens when people are taught by the Catholic Church to look for visions and bow to idols (statues claiming to represent Christ or Mary or other "saints").  This is what happens when people want to be part of something whether or not it is true (just look at the huge size of Benny Hinn's "crusades").  This is what happens when no one is brave enough to say, "THE EMPEROR IS NAKED!!"

The Roman Catholic Church has deceived millions of people for almost 1500 years.  The power of this organization has led to horrible crimes in the name of Christ, blaspheming Jesus' name all the while.  And this silliness is just another result of such deception.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Random Aberrations, Apostasies, and Heresies

Another article via Erin: I am soooooo sick and tired of pastors goatherds using people in the entertainment industry as “Bible Study” aids.  It’s as if they have no idea what the Bible is!

Another example of problems with “The Message” and why NO ONE should use it.  It is a “mess.”

C. Peter Wagner declares that the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is not a cult, and I agree.  It’s just a whole lot of false teaching with some of the most aberrant theology out there.  It is Dominion” theology, which is not centralized to any specific group of people—which is unfortunate, because if it was centralized it would be easier to point to the problem people!  They are nothing but false prophets and wolves.

The unbiblical nature of prayer circles, and who is promoting them, including people you’d think would know better.

Excellent article exposing the cult of Gothardism, and their current best-known propaganda family, the Duggars.

Why “War Roomshould not have used Beth Moore or Priscilla Shirer:  They are both false teachers.

I’ve alerted my readers to the false teachings Oprah Winfrey and the spiritual dangers of watching her show or following her teachings.  This video is six years old, and I’ve seen it before, but I’ve not posted a link to it.  Now you can see from Oprah’s own mouth that she cannot be a Christian as she claims.

Tim Challies has a good review of Paul Young’s new book, “Eve.”  Like “The Shack,” it is rife with unbiblical and heretical teachings.  Don’t waste your money on it.

Another frequently abused Bible passage is John 14:14, and the Word Of Faith cult is the guilt party, spreading the lies about this passage to non-discerning people who think God is a virtual Santa Claus.

In my last “Random” post I noted another false teacher setting a date for the end [the link was gone by 12/30/16 and paragraph was deleted].  His name is Chris McCann, and he was a follower of Harold Camping.  Go figure.

Steven Furtick’s use of his church to advertise his books and enrich himself even more is downright disgusting.  The video is almost 42 minutes long, but well-worth for understanding several other aspects of this false teacher and his abuse of his position.  You’ll also learn some more about Ed Young’s wealth and his association with Furtick, as well some exposure of other mega-church false teachers.

UPDATE 9/25/15:  I have been advised by a reader that while the particular article about Jonathan Cahn is good, the linked page is by Walid Shoebat.  I've never heard of him, but he is a false teacher with "unsubstantiated claims about his past and defends the false idolatry of the Catholic Church" including icons, images, veneration of saints and relics, etc.  So those of you who went to the link, beware that anything else other than the article about Cahn may very well be false teaching.

The pope is again speaking on “climate change,” full-bore with the LEFTIST agenda.  Since he’s supposed to be speaking for Christ, why is he being such a false teacher?  Oh, wait, that’s the whole history of the papist church.  There is absolutely NO evidence that man is causing any climate changes.  The planet has gone through hot and cold cycles since creation, and yet the pope has no clue.

Lastly, The problem with Christian films.  I have to agree with this viewpoint.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Lyrics Should Have More Impact Than Music

Some may object that they know many Scripture songs or praise and worship choruses that contain Scripture passages, perhaps even contemporary musical settings for beefy hymn texts.  But even these are failures because the music is light, bouncy, entertainment-type music; the aesthetic form communicates fun and good times to most people rather than serious worship of Almighty God.  Furthermore, the form may be heard with more lasting impact than the words, no matter how correct and noble the ideas in these songs may be.

There is a sharp cognitive dissonance here that the outsider often recognizes immediately because his life is basically a hedonistic or nihilistic party.  He knows those forms intimately, and he knows they are inconsistent with the message of the words.  Party music is inferior evangelistic music, for as Calvin Johannson says wisely, the way one comes to faith in Christ has profound implications for what that person will expect subsequently of the Christian life (Discipling Music Ministry, Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 1992, p.15).

Leonard R. Payton, "Reforming our Worship Music," p.14

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Contemporary Music Demands Immediacy

The contemporary spirit is defined not so much by a style as by its demand for immediacy.  This is what has happened to us in our mass-media-saturated culture.  Anything that fails to give immediate satisfaction, that demands some reflection, is going to be perceived as unsympathetic to the needs of modern man.

Leonard R. Payton, "Reforming our Worship Music," p.12

Monday, September 21, 2015

Creation vs Evolution -- Two Religions

When we discuss creation/evolution, in both instances we are talking about beliefs, that is, religion.  The controversy is not religion versus science, as the evolutionists try to make it out.   It is religion versus religion, the science of one religion versus the science of the other.

Evolution is a religious position that makes human opinion supreme.  ... its fruits (because of rejection of the Creator and Lawgiver) are lawlessness, immorality, impurity, abortion, racism and a mocking of God.  Creation is a religious position based on the Word of God, and its fruits (through God's Spirit) are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  The creation/evolution issue (is God Creator?) is the crux of the problems in our society today.  It is the fundamental issue with which Christians must come to grips.  The creation/evolution issue is where the battle really rages.

Ken Ham, The Lie, pg.12

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Aesthetic Snobbery?

An advocate for contemporary worship music recently accused its detractors of "aesthetic snobbery."  But it is not aesthetic snobbery to identify something as cheap and tawdry if it really is.  As followers of the Truth, we are called to be honest.

Leonard R. Payton, "Reforming our Worship Music," p.12

Friday, September 18, 2015

Random Aberrations, Apostasies, and Heresies

Women need to stop trying to get in the pulpit; the Bible is very plain that this role isn’t for them.

Another review of “War Room” which doesn’t soft-soap it as so many do.

This bishop thinks that the Catholic Church—as well as the Bible—is in error in regards to homosexual behavior.  He says, “scientific progress allows us to modify this point of view. First of all, one knows that homosexuality exists also in the world of animals.”  Well, it really doesn’t, but that’s another subject.  And even if it did, well in the world of animals they eat their young but would we justify humans eating their young because of it?  The article points out, “With his reference to the animal world, Bonny tries to show that the natural instinct for heterosexuality, as put into nature by God, might not exist, after all.”  So Mr. Bonny even argues that heterosexuality does not exist.  So why isn’t he excommunicated yet?

I have previously written about the false teachings of the “Generational Curse,” but I found a great article that needs to be a good additional resource.

Excellent commentary on a very abused passage of Scripture.  And, yes, I’ve heard these same convoluted explanations and yet I fully understood the real meaning.

Another abused Scripture is also examined.

What happens when you listen to a false teacher?  You get disappointed every time.  And here's why.

Jim Wallis is one of the worst wolves out there.

Mary Dalke warns us of a new spiritually-dangerous book by Jennifer LeClaire:  Mornings With the Holy Spirit.  And go figure—Charisma magazine recommends it.  There are a few other things Mary notes on this post as a warning of what Christians need to avoid.

The Porpoise Driven Life.  Funny, but really demonstrates the way Christians follow every whim of doctrine and every fad.

Convenient Christianity is the false Christianity most so-called Christians follow today.

Why hasn’t the Pope excommunicated these bishops for sanctioning same-sex fake marriage?

Again I remind everyone that, contrary to many false teachings, Christians do not tithe!

Priscilla Shirer is a false teacher much like Beth Moore, with a lot of the same problems.  Avoid her like the plague.

I have previously reported on the horrid book, “Pagan Christianity” in other “Random” posts, but I thought this article was a worthwhile reminder of the problems with the book.

Joel Osteen never tires of writing new books full of false teachings to fleece his followers.  This guy has absolutely no shame.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Power of Prayer

Here is a majestic passage from the venerated Chrysostom:  “The potency of prayer hath subdued the strength of fire; it hath bridled the rage of lions, hushed anarchy to rest, extinguished wars, appeased the elements, expelled demons, burst the chains of death, expanded the gates of heaven, assuaged diseases, repelled frauds, rescued cities from destruction, stayed the sun its course, and arrested the progress of the thunderbolt.  Prayer is an all-sufficient panoply, a treasure undiminished, a mine which is never exhausted, a sky unobscured by clouds, a heaven unruffled by the storm.  It is the root, the fountain, the mother, of a thousand blessings.”  Are Chrysostom’s words mere rhetoric, to make a commonplace thing look superlative?  The Bible knows nothing of such cunning.

Leonard Ravenhill, Why Revival Tarries, pg.151

Monday, September 14, 2015

Did They Really Say That?

“Can any man tell me when the beginning was? Years ago we thought the beginning of this world was when Adam came upon it; but we have discovered that thousands of years before that God was preparing chaotic matter to make it a fit abode for man, putting races of creatures upon it, who might die and leave behind the marks of his handiwork and marvelous skill, before he tried his hand on man.”

Charles H. Spurgeon, “Election,” The New Park Street Pulpit 1 (1990): pg.318 [Sermon given in 1855]

Sad that a man so revered by Calvinists had such a low view of the Genesis record of Creation.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

OH MY! Deluxe Junk Food

A commenter on my post about the spiritual junk food song, “Beautiful One,” pointed me to the song, “Let My Words Be Few.”  I finally got a chance to look this one up, and am so glad I’ve never had to experience it in person!  Talk about a “Jesus is my boyfriend” song. 

Let My Words Be Few

You are God in heaven
And here am I on earth
So I'll let my words be few
Jesus, I am so in love with You

And I'll stand in awe of You, Jesus
Yes, I'll stand in awe of You
And I'll let my words be few
Jesus, I am so in love with You

The simplest of all love songs
I want to bring to You, oh yeah
So I'll let my words be few, hey
Jesus, I am so in love with You

And I'll stand in awe of You, Jesus
Yes, I'll stand in awe of You
And I'll let my words be few
Jesus, I am so in love with You

Yeah, yeah

You are God in heaven
And here am I on earth
So I'll let my words be few
Jesus, I am so in love with You

And I'll stand in awe of You, Jesus
Yes, I'll stand in awe of You
And I'll let my words be few
Jesus, I am so in love with You

And I'll stand in awe of You, Jesus
Yes, I'll stand in awe of You
And I'll let my words be few
Jesus, I am so in love with You

So in love with you, yeah
Jesus, hey, yeah

I think the words of this song should have been even FEWER -- as in non-existent!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Random Aberrations, Apostasies, and Heresies

So a Catholic school is now allowing a teacher in a fake marriage to continue working, because the new policy is “in line” with the schools “missions and beliefs”?!?!  Since when do Catholic beliefs include supporting same-sex fake marriage?

Another installment in the review of “Purpose-Driven Life”:
On Purpose

Anatomy of an Evangelical Scandal.  How often have we seen this process?

Something for Catholics to think about, as well as for the rest of us to see a major problem with Roman Catholicism!

What the Duggars Get Wrong About Chastity.”  Excellent article from a Roman Catholic.   My son married into a family which practiced the same thing, which was a real trial for my son.  Legalism is always a trial.

Randy White has a good video demonstrating the problem with Calvinism’s “Total Depravity.”  I’m sure if you looked for the rest of the series, you’d find stuff just as good.

Mary Dalke uses Mondays to post articles about mysticism entering the church.  Mondays would be a good to watch her blog for this. And don’t forget her Wednesday “round-ups” of various false teaching updates.

Your sexuality is NOT your identity.

The Church by the Glades is like so many other mega churches—teaching “air burritos.”  Good lesson on hermeneutics.

A feminist “Bible scholar” interprets the Bible to condone homosexuality — surprise!

Interesting article with a collection of Andy Stanley’s false teachings (some of which I’ve previously reported).  This guy is quickly going downhill.

Word of Faith heretic Paula White is not only dangerous with her teachings, but her marital life is completely unbiblical and would disqualify her from her position if she was a man!  But even worse, her new husband recommends pornography (I wonder how much time he spends on porn each day?)

Binding Satan is above your pay grade.  And it is charismatic nonsense.

The modern “heaven tourism” movement is something to avoid.

An excellent review of the “War Room.”  Worst one the Kendrick brothers have made.

Willow Creek mega-church is spiraling fast into apostasy.

Is there any remaining doubt that the PCUSA is totally apostate?