Let’s just start with New Spring Church and the Perry Noble fiasco and his claim that there is no Hebrew word for “command,” along with his re-interpretation of the Ten Commandments. The Cripplegate was the first I read critiquing Noble’s claim. Then one of the sites I follow (I forgot which one I got the link from) pointed me to this article which is a round-up of links to responses against Noble’s poor teaching. Then, of course, Noble “apologized” for his teaching; Hip and Thigh did a great examination of Noble’s “sorry.” Suffice it to say that Noble is just a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He appears to be a goatherd with followers who are seeking to have their ears tickled.
Maryland’s first female Episcopal “bishop” is on administrative leave due to various criminal charges stemming from drunk driving. Jack Morrow had a pretty good article about the issue. Of course, biblically-speaking, she should never have been a bishop anyway. Since the Episcopal Church is an apostate body, I sincerely doubt that she will be given church discipline and defrocked.
If anyone ever had any doubts as to whether the Roman Catholic Church is an apostate organization, then the fact that their pope wants all religions to work together should eliminate any doubts remaining.
The Mennonites have also gone the apostate path with same-sex fake marriage. I realize that Mennonites, as a religious body, are quite diverse, but I have been seeing more and more movement in the USA in this direction, as well as movement into the whole contemplative/mystical arena.
An article in Christianity Today Astray promotes false teachers Beth Moore and Christine Caine. I agree that it is good for women to be teaching the Bible to other less mature women in the body of Christ, but this should be done by women who actually know what they are talking about and who don’t claim direct revelation from God! The women this magazine puts on a pedestal have long been exposed as false teachers, and yet CT is promoting them. Just another example of what is wrong with that publication!
As for women teachers in general, there are some poor teachings being promulgated which are really subtly harmful. Elizabeth Prata did a four-part examination of “She Reads Truth.” This link goes directly to part one, from where you can link to the rest. There is a lot to peruse, but I hope women especially will take heed of what Elizabeth says in her critiques.
Can you believe that a Catholic bishop thinks same-sex relationships can be “marked” by “holiness”?!? Will the Pope correct him?
The assembly at where we’ve worshiped the past 13 years brought in a “Pastor of Worship” who is more of a performer than a worship leader. Some of the material he’s been having us learn leaves a lot to be desired. I know from information I’ve seen about him prior to arriving late last summer that he has even written his own songs, although so far he hasn’t brought them in our assembly. Because of this issue, I’ve read quite a few articles about what should or should not be used in corporate worship because, after all, the songs we sing are actually teaching us. I have previously linked to some of these articles, but this week I was looking through an old Christian Research Journal and came across this excellent article by John MacArthur and decided to see if it was available on the ‘net — and there it was. I think a main point worth mulling over is this statement: “Like it or not, songwriters are teachers as well. Many of the lyrics they write will be far more deeply and permanently ingrained in the minds of Christians than anything pastors teach from the pulpit. How many songwriters are skilled enough in theology and Scripture to qualify for such a vital role in the catechesis of our people?"
How can a church call themselves “Christian” while fighting to have a monument removed because it depicts a soldier praying? Americans United for Separation of Church and State is led by a “minister” of the United Church of Christ, and they got the memorial removed. Of course anyone reading about anything this group does should realize that this group has no idea of what the Constitution of the USA actually says in the First Amendment. The UCC is probably the most apostate and heretical body to still claim to be a Christian denomination, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised when one of their members leads a crusade to rid public displays of faith.
Did you know that “God is waiting on YOU!”? Neither did I, but Jesse Duplantis says so. Perhaps he should read his Bible a wee bit closer. (HT to Erin Benziger)
David Jeremiah is getting to be more and more of a concern to me.
Finally, if you thought that the Seventh-day Adventists as a denomination were giving up on Ellen G. White’s false teachings, you are going to be disappointed. The SDA is still a cult.
ReplyDeleteThat MacArthur article on church worship was simply excellent. It was very well said, and should be mandatory reading for all worship leaders in the church. Music is indeed didactic, as scripture says, we are to admonish one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Songwriters must have solid and accurate theological comprehension in order for music to serve its intended purpose in the church. We need doctrinal substance in song. Hymnody by and large meets that criteria.
Not only are most hymns more doctrinally rich than the contemporary gospel songs/praise choruses, but also from a strictly musical standpoint, most hymns are written for congregational singing. To contrast, most contemporary music is written for performance. Hence the songs are usually too musically complicated for the average congregant to sing.
Well, it looks like there is some pretty messed up stuff taking place throughout the church. I never would have imagined hearing a so-called preacher claim that the Lord is waiting on us. If we truly want to worship the Creator, then we must do so on His own terms.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of the pope wanting all world religions to work together, there is a strange emotional and intellectual appeal that is drawing many people into the Church of Rome. Many Evangelicals have crossed the Tiber, and I am not really sure why anyone would want to do so. It is all beyond me. Even without reading a Bible, one should be able to tell that something is really wrong with the Roman Catholic Church when comparing it to simplistic folks like us. It is obviously involved in occult mysticism.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous troll,
ReplyDeleteAs usual, your comment has nothing to do with the post, and you raise straw man arguments about what is or is not in the founding documents. The 1st Amendment meant ONE thing and one thing only — that the government could not establish a national religious denomination like they had in Europe. They took for granted that the national belief system was Christianity and that is why historically the government supported purchasing Bibles for the Indians, permitting the use of Bibles in public schools etc. You need to read the Federalist Papers and quit demonstrating your abject ignorance of history.