Saturday, October 25, 2014

Spurious Revivalism

American Protestantism is characterized by a peculiar evil which I may describe by the term "spurious revivalism."  The common mischief resulting from all its forms is the over-hasty reception into the communion of the churches of multitudes of persons whom time proves to have experienced no spiritual change.  In most cases, these mischievous accessions are brought by sensational human expedients.  It is an unpopular thing for a minister of the gospel to bear this witness.  But it is true.  And my regard for that account which I must soon render at a more awful bar than that of arrogant public opinion demands its utterance.

R. L. Dabney, 1892, cited in The Berean Call, "Quotable," September 1992


  1. "The common mischief resulting from all its forms is the over-hasty reception into the communion of the churches of multitudes of persons whom time proves to have experienced no spiritual change."

    To think that was penned in 1892. It could have been written describing the church today in 2014!

    There is truly nothing new under the sun...


  2. Carolyn has almost said it all. I would add that in many evangelical churches the measure is "more notches in the membership gun" than in "1 Timothy right doctrine."

  3. I agree Joe!


  4. It is said, "If you prayed that sinner's prayer at the end of the church service where the pastor has prayed for all of those who have raised their hands, then you are saved."

    The following Sunday, the pastor brags and boasts from the pulpit how many salvations notches he has on his belt.

    Guess we don't need Jesus anymore, with Whom the Holy Spirit testifies too every single is doing the saving all by himself.

    And all the people say, "I'm so proud." And Jesus said, "Learn from Me."

  5. Anonymous,

    The "easy believism" theology has brought in too many false believers.


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