Random Apostasies and Heresies
Well, I posted an article about what terrible theology “Heaven Is For Real” presents, but I didn’t know it was T.D. Jakes who produced the movie version. When you have a heretic producing a “Christian” movie, this is what you get.
About women in church, Willow Creek, one of the original market-driven/seeker-sensitive organizations (I hesitate to call them a church), also gets it wrong! [link gone by 10/17/20] This isn’t really surprising, since they leaned on the egalitarian side for women’s roles for decades.
Speaking of false teachers, Tim Challies exposes Teresa of Avila and T.D. Jakes.
Then there is Rick Warren, who is really doing a lot to endorse the Roman Catholic Church. Roger Oakland also has a commentary about this situation.
So what is wrong with Romanism? Well, how about the gullibility of thinking they have the skull of John the Baptist, and that they are revering it!?! What about the Pope preaching the social gospel? And this is just in addition to their false teaching about mortal/venial sins, indulgences, purgatory, the papacy, the perpetual virginity of Mary, etc, etc, etc.
I just love it when someone points out another problem with Joseph Smith’s theology.
Speaking about Mormons, what in the world was Liberty University doing inviting Glenn Beck to speak? If he was there to speak as a conservative commentator speaking about politics in the USA, etc, that would be one thing. But he spoke as if he was a Christian and talked to them as if he and the students worshiped the same God and Christ!! And Liberty had the temerity to fine students who didn’t want to hear a Mormon [link gone by 10/17/20] promoting his belief system!!!! What were the leaders of Liberty thinking?!? Well, they've already promoted Moonies and Benny Hinn, so I guess it really isn't surprising.
Now I’ve seen just about everything.
What About Love?
Pat Robertson, Word of Faith heretic and false prophet, now says you have to be deaf, dumb and blind to believe what Genesis says! [link gone by 10/17/20] Ken Ham rebukes Robertson.
Finally, how do we end up with so much false teaching in the church? It’s because so many churches hear so little of the Bible.
I grant that game church is ... odd. But having gone through the site, I found nothing heretical in it.
ReplyDeleteCare to enlighten where the apostasy and/or heresy is?
Hi Glenn,
ReplyDeleteWillow Creek, figures. If only our former pastor could see the problems with BH and Willow Creek. He was eagerly following the Willow Creek paradigm.
Like you, we also hesitate to call WC a church, because those seeker/market philosophy organizations really aren't following what the New Testament says about church. At all.
RW - no shock there. And yet so many blind believers think he's the "real deal".
The RC obsession with dead people and/or dead people's relics is rather disgusting.
Liberty fined the students who refused to hear Beck? Wow, that's awful! What, the fact that Beck isn't a genuine born again believer and that his false belief system wasn't challenged, isn't that "a suitable excuse for not attending"?!
Go Ken Ham! Robertson is a fraud.
Churches hear so little of the Bible, because they are too busy being purpose driven and entertained.
ReplyDeleteI think turning the Christian faith and church into a game is apostate. It shows no respect, no reverence for the sacred.
But that's just my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI read that site, checked on a lot of the links, read a lot of the articles. From what I saw, it didn't turn the Christian faith into a game. It actually did the opposite; it examined video games and video game culture through the lens of Christianity, something that is sorely lacking today.
Off-topic fun fact: you are in good company about not turning the Christian faith into a game or a game prop; Gary Gygax, co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons refused to include Christianity into the game for that very reason.
ReplyDeleteYou obviously spent more time looking around than I did! What little I looked at, after the link was sent by a young college kid who didn't like it, gave me the opposite impression you got.
Just the name "game church" was bothersome enough for me, so I didn't spend much time looking around.