Friday, April 4, 2014

Random Apostasies and Heresies

Tim Challies has been doing a series on false teachers, with short biographies and explanations of their false teaching.  Most, but not all, have been well-known cult leaders.  I don’t think many people know who Charles Taze Russell was (founder of the Jehovah’s Witnesses), so here’s a link to that article.  Also, I’m always surprised by people who don’t know what a heretic Norman Vincent Peale was.

Speaking of false teachers, I like what this guy has to say about Mark Driscoll.

Then there is the emergent heretic Tony Jones.

It looks like a movie is coming soon based on the best selling “Heaven Is For Real.”  The sad thing is that the majority of the people buying this junk appear to be Christians — who obviously lack discernment.  I’m sure the movie version will be sold out.  This book is but one among many books by people claiming to have visited heaven.  Can these visits be real?  NO.  They all contradict Scripture.

The Cripplegate has another article in their series about speaking in tongues.

I have often noted problems with modern “worship” songs used in the assemblies, and how many of them are the “Jesus is my boyfriend” type of drivel.  I was directed to an outstanding article about the sensuality of so many contemporary songs.  The author had an excellent question:  “What if a generation is being trained to feel saved rather than to be saved?

Same-sex fake marriage is now legal in England.  The Archbishop of Canterbury said the Church of England will now drop their opposition to the unions.  We knew that would happen, didn’t we?  Just another apostate denomination making people feel good rather than telling them of their sin and their need for a savior.

World Vision learned about what happens when you approve same-sex fake marriage while claiming to be Christian.  The Cripplegate tells of four lessons learned in this incident.

Of course we all know by now about the flap with World Vision wanting to sanction same-sex unions.  Their turnabout got Rachel Held Evans all in a snit.  She thinks evangelicals have “won a culture war and lost a generation.”  To begin with, we’ve actually lost the culture war, but we knew we would - all we had to do was read what the Bible says about the end times.  But Evans, ever the false teacher she has proven to be, says:  “There is a disproportionate focus on homosexuality that consistently dehumanizes, stigmatizes and marginalizes gay and lesbian people and, at least in this case, prioritizes the culture war against them over and against the important work of caring for the poor.”  Of course what Evans pretends isn’t happening is that it is the homosexual activists who are forcing the focus on homosexuality by using the power of government to force Christians to either accept homosexuality or be punished.  But getting on to Evans’ statement, she teaches the social gospel rather than the gospel which saves.  Guess what, Rachel — the church’s calling is NOT the social gospel!!!   Chelsen Vicari has a good response to Evans.  As does Neil Simpson.

Anyway, according to Tony Jones and Rachel Evans, would-be Christians are being driven away from the church.  Is this true? Of course not, because if people really want to be Christians, they will follow Christ rather than false teachers like Jones and Evans.

With so many denominations - and non-denominational churches - accepting homosexuality as something good rather than the abomination God calls it, there are those who ask why we can’t just all “get along.”  Stan tells us the reason why.  Always remember that "Jesus already defined marriage for his creation."


  1. Hi, Glenn. As I understand it, Justin Welby meant the Anglican "church" is dropping political opposition, not that they are approving or doing ceremonies.

    All in due time. It's the Anglicans, after all. They'll wait a respectable time before making the change. The standard procedure is to lag behind society's decadence, not to actually refuse to follow it.

    I wonder how many ways we all merely follow the decadence at a respectable distance. May the Lord protect us and open our eyes.

  2. Hi Jon,

    Yes, I understand what they mean. But once you've dropped political opposition, you've essentially stated your belief. That's like saying you're dropping a political opposition to abortion.

  3. Oh great, another "Christian" movie. I bet undiscerning Christians are going to promote that "Heaven is for Real" movie as a great way to reach the "unchurched"................................ Ugh!!!!! I'm so sick of the silver screen evangelism method, especially when said flick contains massive amounts of doctrinal error.

    NVP taught Schuller, who in turn taught Warren and Hybels.

    Most contemporary "worship" songs aren't worth the paper they're written on. The more my husband and I mature in our faith, the less we can stand what passes for "worship music" as most churches.

    Why are Christian women even interested in listening to RH Evans??? I don't see the appeal... whatsoever.


  4. The only reason ANYONE listens to Rachel Evans is because she wrote a book making fun of the Bible and those who follow it, all the while demonstrating how ignorant she was about what it really says. So now that she has a book out, she is a "Christian" authority - dontcha know!

  5. Followup to the Anglicans:

    So now, it's "we wish we could do it but it's dangerous for African Christians if we do."

    The Anglican moral compass. Spinning like a top.

  6. Jon,

    I didn't watch the video, due to the length of it, but the article was enough to make a REAL Christian ill. What a bunch of horse manure excuses and claims. Either homosexual behavior is wrong or it is not. If it is wrong, then they shouldn't obfuscate and pretend they have to do so because of how people are treated.

    I wonder if the Anglican church understands objective truth?


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