Friday, March 28, 2014

Random Apostasies and Heresies

I’ll start off today with a bit more about World Vision and their latest fiasco.  A good point made by Bryan Fischer is that World Vision needs to “clean house” [link gone by Sep 2020] of those who would even suggest sanctioning same-sex unions.  Meanwhile, Sola Sisters has an article about the philosophy in general at World Vision.  They also have a commentary about when the church at large will accept homosexuality.

Mormons.  I can never do enough to expose their false religious system for what it is: a system which leads people to hell rather than to eternal life.  Anyway, they claim to believe in the Bible, “as far as it is translated correctly.”  Of course this is a smokescreen, because their claims against it have been proven totally erroneous for decades, especially since discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which proved the accuracy of the transmission of the Old Testament.  Well, this is another one of those beliefs that they obfuscate about when asked.

For a bit more fun with Mormons, this will take 36 minutes of your time, but will give you a good insight as to how well the average Mormon don’t know their own belief system!

Hip and Thigh has the review of Michael Brown’s Authentic Fire, chapter 8.

Sola Sisters has updated their one-article clearing house of all the problems which make Mark Driscoll unqualified for the pastoral role.

More about Beth Moore.  She is now really aligning herself with more false teachers and heretics, as she joins them at Joel Osteen’s goat-pen.

Moore isn’t the only one buddying up with false teachers; James MacDonald is buddies with those on the heretical TBN TV.

Steven Furtick is daily getting more bizarre.  A true goatherd who seems to be more about worshiping himself than about pointing to God.

Oh, and did you know that wife battery and other anti-woman behavior is due to things like the Catholic ban on women priests?  Well, Jimmy Carter said it, so it must be true.  He’s a worse Christian than he was a president (don’t forget that he thinks homosexuality is okay).

An article about the need for sober leaders in the church comes from Elizabeth Prata.  See how many things above are examples of what she writes about.


  1. So many, like SOZO, totally confuse mysticism with mysterious. God moves in mysterious ways, from a humna perspective, but He is not a tool for Mysticists to use to promote some ehterial philosophy. What a bunch of dishonest nuts!

  2. Hi Glenn,

    WV - there've been serious concerns with them, ongoing for years, as you previously mentioned.

    Sola Sisters - an excellent all-encompassing reference of problems with Driscoll. Great job, ladies!

    Moore at Osteen's "A.C." (Apostasy Center, I refuse to call it a 'church') - I've known there have been major problems with Moore for years, but I do admit, this one stunned me.

    MacDonald - after his elephant room debacles, this seems par for the course.

    Elizabeth Prata's article was most excellent. A+


  3. Hi Glenn,

    I tried commenting with my google account it would not let me, so I will try this route. My name is Sarah by the way, have commented here before..

    Sozo is not new to Bethel, it may seem as such since Berean Call is now posting on it, but its been taught there for quite some time.

    I underwent Sozo when I was still in
    charismania in a few years back. A lot of other charismania churches have caught on with Sozo, because of Bethel, and they too offer it.

    It isn't a teaching per -se its like a session, a memory healing type thing. Unbiblical goes without saying...

  4. Hi Sarah,

    Well, I don't think TBC was saying SOZO was new, rather it was something covered by them for the first time. It is a new thing to me, because I had never heard of it.

    I should know better that it wasn't new, since the article talked about many spin-offs under different names.

    Unbiblical nonsense.


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