Thursday, March 13, 2014

Random Apostasies and Heresies

The movie “Son of God” is getting a lot of attention, with some more reviews explaining how unbiblical it is.  The only people who like it are those who claim to have gotten all emotional about it; they let their emotions determine the validity of it rather than comparing it to Scripture.
Reviews to consider are at Steak and a Bible, Answers in Genesis, and Marsha West.

Bill Gothard has resigned his position at IBLP.  Now if only the whole system would collapse!

A false teacher to beware of, who I never heard of before, is David Benner.

Another episode from the Cripplegate’s series about tongues.

Janis Hutchinson has another part of her series on the Trinity posted.

The review of Michael Brown’s “Authentic Fire” book continues.

The Berean Call radio had a two part series on the Hebrew Roots Movement, and the transcripts are available here and here.

There are those who claim that Jesus would have no problem with photographing or otherwise providing services for a same-sex fake wedding ceremony.   Good refutation article here.

Steve Bricker has an interesting article about the problem with repetitious choruses in worship.

More apostasy in the United Methodist Church - a bishop refuses to bring church discipline against a minister who officiated at a same-sex fake wedding.

John MacArthur had a thought-provoking article about recognizing and dealing with wolves who would endanger the flock.  He ends with this statement: 
Far from engaging or accommodating false teachers, the clear duty of every church leader is to guard the truth from the deadly, corrupting influence of heretics, liars, and charlatans.  A godly shepherd faithfully protects the sheep; he doesn’t dance with the wolves.

Finally, along that line of what the church’s identity should be, a bit of controversy has arisen over a new book by Ken Wilson, Letter to My Congregation.  Look at what he says about what the church’s mission is, and his idea of accommodating unrepentant sinners (specifically homosexuals).  Then look at my article about the purpose of the church.  It is apparent that Wilson just doesn’t get it.


  1. Hi Glenn,

    Great roundup.

    Awesome review of Son of God by Marsha West. I haven't yet read the one by Answers in Genesis, but am happy to see them disapproving of that compromised movie. Seeing discerning believers always encourages me.

    I saw the headline that Bill Goatherd stepped down - PTL! May he be held accountable! I'm with you, that whole crooked place needs to crumble. At the end of their blog post, Sola Sisters had a great round up of articles about BG and the whole Institute, and related groups such as Vision Forum, and the Quiverfull movement, etc - many of these articles are from the Midwest Christian Outreach - all excellent.

    (A side note, Sola Sister's previous post "43 seconds of funny" was a much needed laugh! My husband and I cracked up!)

    MacA's article about Dances with Wolves - was excellent.

    Plan to read Bricker's article later.

    And really appreciate your article about the purpose of the church. So many don't seem to get the first basic truth: church is for believers only, because the church is made up of believers only. Get that down pat, and the rest falls into line.


  2. Carolyn,

    Yes, 43 seconds of funny was good!

    Steve Bricker is actually in my neck of the woods. We attended the same church for a couple years, and then we both left it because of problems they were having.

    That article about the purpose of the church was something I felt compelled to write after witnessing lots of nonsense, including seeker-sensitive ideology, invading everywhere!

  3. Glenn, thanks for the mention.

    I've been thinking about assemblies seeking an identity. Erik Raymond's piece was timely.

  4. Bricker's point - well said. I've also heard the Ps 136 argument as to why repetition is ok in worship. But read the entire psalm. It's not vain repetition as with modern CCM songs, but rather, as Bricker states, "Notice how the repetition is used to reinforce that every facet and act of God is worthy of attention, each should be praised and adored, and that in a united voice."

    Though: it's not just the "old fogies" (Bricker's comment) that are decrying this repetitive musical blather. :) Some "younger fogies" are disgusted with it, too.

    Seeker ideology is rampant these days, unfortunately. It is exceedingly hard to find a church that isn't watering down doctrine and/or entertaining unbelievers in a seriously misguided attempt at evangelism and "church growth"...



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