Random Apostasies and Heresies
The latest buzz is about some guy who claims to be a “Bible scholar” while at the same time claiming that the Roman government made up Jesus - that Jesus never really existed! The man is obviously oblivious to the factual historical information readily available. He’s truly a “flimflam” artist.
Joel Osteen - what can I say? This article is just another example of why Osteen is a false teacher - as well as a heretic.
A hat tip to Erin Benziger for the next three items:
Ever hear of “soaking prayer”? I have, and I can tell you there is nothing biblical about it, and such teaching by false teacher Sid Roth and others of his ilk will lead to spiritual danger. BEWARE!
The “fundamental flaw” of the Charismatic movement is their denigration of the Word of God.
I don’t know how many times I have to say this, but Mormonism is NOT true Christianity! Mormonism worships another god and another Christ - not those of the Bible. This is “True Mormonism.”
In fact, as I have pointed out in the past, the Mormon Church actually places Joseph Smith in a position so as to be virtually more important than Christ!
Brian McLaren is now preaching his heretical teaching to the Seventh-Day Adventists. The SDA already has enough aberrant and heretical teachings - they certainly don’t need McLaren’s addition.
And yet another review of Rachel Held Evans abominable book, “A Year of Biblical Womanhood.” I really despise that title, because it has nothing to do with “biblical womanhood” and everything to do with Held’s agenda.
More idolatry towards Mary is being promoted by the new pope.
I must be reading the Bible wrongly, because I can’t find where it is a sin to oppose homosexual behavior. Yet the Dean of Washington’s National Cathedral says it is a sin. He must be reading a different Bible!
The Presbyterian Church (USA) continues to support all that is demonic. Now they partnering with Muslim Brotherhood groups in the USA! It is obvious that leaders in the PCUSA who are involved with this have no understanding about the evil political-religious movement known as Islam.
Celebration of Praise Church in Clermont, Florida, is an example of what the seeker-sensitive and market-driven philosophies lead to: extravagance among goats.
When I was a new believer back in January 1974, one of the first books given to me was Hal Lindsey’s, “The Late Great Planet Earth.” At the time I found it exciting to know that I would most likely be seeing the Rapture. Well, after a couple years of Bible study my copy of the book had a lot of notes in the margins about its misrepresentations of Scripture. I had purchased a few other books by Lindsey, and they likewise began getting the marginal notes. The more mature I became in the Word, the more laughable I found Lindsey’s claims. Over time the laughter gave way to concern for all those who have been deceived by such teachings. Here’s an excellent video showing how Lindsey’s teachings began contradicting Lindsey’s teachings - let alone contradicting the Bible. If you are a follower of Hal Lindsey, you might want to consider tossing out any books you have by him!
Lastly, Jack Chick is a well-known anti-Catholic bigot and KJV Only cultist who does much to damage the name of Christ. This video should give you plenty of reasons to never use a Chick tract.
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