Random Apostasies and Heresies
Wow, it’s been almost two weeks since I last did a “Random” post, and I really have been collecting stuff to warn people to watch out for - some bad stuff to be exposed!
First up, more about that book, “Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth.” This book is rife with Scripture-twisting and other false teachings. On top of that, the author misrepresents himself and his credentials as an author for such a book.
Interesting statement from Mark Batterson (Mr. “Circle Maker”) showed up. Did you know that “there are ways of doing church that no one has thought of yet”!? Well, firstly, I didn’t know we were “doing” church - I thought Christians ARE the Church. If he means concocting “worship” services, yeah, there are ways I’m sure no one has thought up yet, but they sure aren’t biblical. Batterson is among the market-driven bunch always looking for more ways to feed the goats.
The Pope, who claims he represents Christ on earth, continues to demonstrate just how far he is from representing Christ. He gave Ramadan greetings to Muslims, and said, “We are called to respect the religion of the other.” Wow! Can you imagine Jesus or Paul giving the pagans greetings during their celebrations of their false beliefs? Can you imagine God telling Moses and Joshua that they should respect the Canaanite religions and its “teachings, its symbols, its values”? Islam worships a false god. The teachings of Islam is to conquer everyone and exterminate those who disagree with Islam. Its values includes the abuse of women, terrorism, and extermination of Jews and Christians. And yet the Pope says we should respect all that!?!? Just more proof that Roman Catholicism does NOT represent Christianity.
Of course this doesn’t matter to Catholics, whose worship of Mary leads to their seeing “visions” of her everywhere. This is nothing less than idolatry.
A favorite icon of Romanists is Mother Teresa. There are many myths about her, but the truth about Teresa leads one to wonder if she was ever saved (I previously noted that she had an exorcism done on her).
A month ago I noted that there was a “Wild Goose” festival coming which was a gathering of all sorts of false teachers. Well, it happened, and it was about a degenerate as as it gets.
I came across an interesting book review this week. It’s about Tom Horn’s “Apollyon Rising: 2012.” It’s just another “Christian” book sold by “Christian” bookstores so as to make money off of those whose itching ears follow every whim of doctrine. My recommendation - don’t bother.
I have previously discussed some problems with the teachings of Chuck Missler, but last week I came across an article exposing his propensity for plagiarism. This is not something Christian teachers should be doing. I’d avoid Missler’s teachings.
A couple of my “favorite” false teachers to expose are Joyce Meyer and Joel Osteen (I haven’t done much on Meyer on my blog, but much in real life). Way too many Christians follow the teachings of these heretics, which is why their teachings need to be exposed for what they are - dangerous! I came across a good article discussing both of them, which gives no quarter! I find many of the comments to be sad, because the commenters are so deceived as to protect these false teachers!
Another false teacher I have learned about this past week is Jentezen Franklin. There are just sooooooo many wolves out there that it is difficult to keep up with them.
The ELCA Lutherans have gone even farther down the road to complete apostasy: they have now elected a woman as their presiding bishop.
Chuck Currie is a well-known false teacher with the heretical United Church of Christ. He has now found a heretical version of the Lord’s Prayer from a New Zealand prayer book, and will be using it in his congregation for “the next several months.” I think it would be virtually impossible to find a real Christian in the UCC.
One of the things I was always sadly amused about with the Mormons is their virtual worship of Joseph Smith. I have previously seen hymns giving praises to Smith, and now you can see some of them, as well as other hymns teaching heresy, as posted on the blog of Mormon Research Ministry.
Excellent roundup -- by which I mean that it is awful! Like you said, so many wolves.
ReplyDeleteOye. I'm so tired of hearing the expression "doing church". Like you said, we ARE the church.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to permanently add that dumb phrase to the others that are currently in my mental trash heap, such as: "missional", "churched/unchurched", "doing community", and basically almost everything R Warren had ever said.