“I acknowledge that my breach of any of the restrictive covenants in this Agreement will result in irreparable damage to the Church. Therefore, in the event of any breach or threatened breach by me, I agree that the Church shall be entitled to an injunction from a court of competent jurisdiction enjoining me from committing any violation or threatened violation of this Agreement. I further agree that the Church shall not be required to post a bond to obtain such an injunction. All remedies available to the Church by reason of a breach by me of this Agreement are cumulative, none is exclusive, and all remedies may be exercised concurrently or consecutively at the Church’s option."
Read the full report on this abuse of power.
Surprise, surprise! False teacher and wolf in sheep’s clothing Jim Wallis now supports same-sex fake marriage!
I’m sure by now my readers have heard the sad and tragic news about Rick Warren’s son’s suicide. I haven’t read any comments from apologetics ministries of any sort which have used this incident as a way to attack Rick Warren’s apostate teachings. However, this has not stopped false teachers from using this incident as a way to attack those who dare speak against Warren’s apostasy. Beth Moore is a false teacher who has one of the most reprehensible posts doing this, and she got full support from Rick Warren for doing so! So even Warren is using his son’s death to attack those who denounce his false teachings. And to add insult to injury, Mark Driscoll, another false teacher, steps in to do the same thing as Moore! I think this is disgusting. [both links gone by 1/2/16]
John Gleason’s Mind Renewers blog gave me a bit of a chuckle this week; he posted the modern version of John 6:44: “No man can come to me, except the popular modern music draws him.” This is certainly the demonstrated belief of the seeker-sensitive and market-driven assemblies.
Speaking of all these false teachers - as well as previous posts which speak of false prophets - Elizabeth Prata, over at The End Time, asks the question as to why there are so many false prophets. An example she uses is Joseph Prince, and she demonstrates that Scripture tells us this would happen as we come closer and closer to the return of Christ.
The apostate Presbyterian Church (USA) is now having interfaith studies with Muslims. It’s even worse than that - the Muslims they are dealing with are those who promote the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization, and the PCUSA website promotes them! I can just see Paul having interfaith studies with the local pagans, can’t you? What they should be doing is reaching out to the Muslims with the Gospel, but the PCUSA as a denomination seems to have a difficult time following Christ to begin with! [Link gone by 9/14/20]
Great timing -- someone just asked me about Joseph Prince and I had never heard of him. Now if I can just remember who asked me about him . . .
ReplyDeleteHere's an article I linked to in a previous Random post: