Well ladies and gentlemen, it is again time to highlight some news items from the past week.
Up front is a report on the “Passion 2013” conference which just ended. There is just so much wrong about this thing! First, headlining the event was Jesus Culture, a music ministry from false teacher Bill Johnson’s Bethel Church in California. I never heard of this group before this week, but their teaching is certainly not anything a discerning parent would want their youth involved with, and the group’s primary focus is youth!
In fact, the whole Passion 2013 conference is directed at those 25-years-old and under. The speakers all have some theological problems with their teaching, and this is poisoning our youth! I have followed some good apologetics ministries and their reports on Passion 2013. So, I will be linking you to their excellent coverage and commentaries.
As background information for “Jesus Culture,” Ken Silva at Apprising Ministries has an introduction to the sort of “signs and wonders” one can expect with Bill Johnson’s church. Additionally, Ken posted a good review of a book by Johnson, “When Heaven Invades Earth,” written by Bob DeWaay. Johnson’s teachings in this book are often heretical almost always at least aberrational. So when examining this material, remember that this is the origin of Jesus Culture, which should be of gravest concern for those thinking of having them attend any Christian conference
Ken also posted a long video which exposes the teaching of Jesus Culture; it is an hour and eleven minutes long, but well worth the watching for educating yourself about this group. The following day Ken posted another article with further information about Jesus Culture and Bill Johnson. The fact that Jesus Culture was at Passion 2013 should be an immediate alarm bell.
Now I want to direct you to articles about the conference itself. Elizabeth Prata has an excellent 3-part series about some of the speakers and their teachings. Part one will link to the rest.
Erin Benziger posted an audio of Chris Rosebrough’s examination of the first night’s teaching by Louie Giglio. Ken Silva posted an audio of Chris examining the last session by Giglio.
Sola Sisters has an article making a good point about why John Piper should not be attending or endorsing events such as Passion 2013.
There is so much more about this conference and its false teachings by false teachers, that I could spend many articles trying to capture the essence of what went on. I’ll leave that to your further investigation. My point was only to demonstrate what happens at these sorts of events which lead our youth farther and farther away from the truth and into emotionalism.
Well, let’s get on to other things, starting with T.D. Jakes. Ken Silva was accused of “jealousy, envy and blatant racism” because he dared expose the false teaching of Jakes. Silva had a very good response.
The Church of England has continued farther and farther into total apostasy. Now they have decided that “gay clergy in civil partnerships can become bishops so long as they remain sexually abstinent.” Yeah, I’m sure that is found in the Bible.
Meanwhile, Marsha West has a good commentary about “Christian” fashions such as I recently reported on. This type of fashion is not productive for teaching modesty.
Tim Keller is becoming quite a popular teacher, and seems to have a lot of good stuff, although often from a Calvinist position. However, in my opinion Keller is not to be trusted. For one thing, he is a theistic evolutionist. Outside of that, he justifies his belief by pointing to Roman Catholics, as if they represent the Christian faith!!!
Someone wrote Ken Silva at Apprising Ministries with the usual complaint from Beth Moore followers - that those exposing her have “little grace,” are “doctrinal police,” etc.
Ken posted the email, along with his response and evidence of Moore’s claims to direct revelation from God. Erin Benziger also addressed problems with Moore’s claims.
Lastly, just today the Christian Research Network exposed another problem with the Alpha Course - Nicky Gumbel fully admits the agreement Alpha has with the Catholic Church.
Glenn: "Yeah, I’m sure that is found in the Bible."
ReplyDeleteThing is, they don't care.
I have always taught two principles of Biblical interpretation: 1)The Bible is God's revelation of His character, His love for His creation and His plan for its redemption. 2) Everything you need to know about God is found in the word of God; nothing you need to know about God is NOT found in the word of God and anything you THINK you know about God that is not in the word of God, you just made up.
Lots of people who call themselves Christian think God would be this way or that, think that God would do or not do this or that and since they think it (or not) that's what makes it true.
Sad, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteDuring a sermon last month on Hebrews 11:3, my pastor, Dave, mentioned that he had used one of Tim Keller's books during his preparation. After the service I approached him and asked if he was aware that Keller was a theistic evolutionist. Dave seemed taken aback and implied that if that was the case the PCA would not allow him to remain in the PCA. I told him about Keller's writing for BioLogos and that I would email him the information.
Dave's response was to send a link to an interview Keller did with Eric Metaxes where Keller explains his position. He refers to himself not as a theistic evolutionist but as a 'progressive creationist'.
Here's the link with the interview:
Keller explains his views starting around the 15 minute mark.
Unfortunately, this only clouds the waters even more because in the interview Keller admits that Christians who hold to an old Earth perspective "must believe in evolution of some sort". Dave's response was that Keller's position was within the 'realm of orthodoxy' which certainly is troubling!
Knowing that the PCA and the OPC have allowed preachers to stay who teach what I would consider heretical positions, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised.
Just as many other denominations, discernment is not as strong as it should be. :-/
ReplyDeleteWell, progressive creationism is in someways much worse, and downright heretical.
Hugh Ross, who is pretty much the founder of that system, claims that there were people before Adam and Eve, but that Adam and Eve were the first with a spirit. So you have people before Adam and Eve who were sinless?
Oh, and thanks for that video link. It tells a lot about Keller's theology and where his thinking is wrong.
ReplyDeleteThe idea that he holds "science" as superior to the Bible is certainly how so many Christians leave the faith.
Perhaps I misunderstood, but it appeared he was saying that when we get to heaven we may learn there was another way without Christ.
You're welcome, Glenn.
ReplyDeleteLast June I posted an audio file (from Apprising Ministries) which exposes some of Keller's views on meditation. In it he recommends Roman Catholic and Quaker meditation methods calling them "good and helpful". :-/
Here's the link: http://apprising.org/2012/06/15/tim-keller-teaching-roman-catholic-and-quaker-mysticism-to-his-rpc-leaders/
With Keller's lack of discernment on meditation and his stance on progressive creation he certainly is not someone I would recommend! Unfortunately, he is extremely popular.