Monday, November 12, 2012

Random Apostasies and Heresies

The election last week has disappointed most true Christians, because even though most of us really wanted someone better than Mitt Romney for our candidate, just about anyone would be better for the Judeo-Christian worldview than Barak Obama.  

But I think Christians have a lot to answer for, because for the most part the Church as a whole has accepted and adopted the world's ways and is no longer the light exposing the darkness.  The Church allows so much aberrational, heretical and other false teaching to go unexposed for fear of "causing division" that a large percentage of Christians have no idea what the Faith really teaches, or the worldview it expects of them.  And so they follow every wind of doctrine and play marbles with the World, then wonder why the world is going amok.  Remember that unbiblical doctrine leads to unbiblical worldview.  Living and supporting an unbiblical worldview will eventually lead to a loss of our religious freedoms.  So think about that the next time you are unhappy with apologists exposing the wolves among the sheep!

I found another interesting review of Rachel Held Evan’s book, “A Year of Biblical Womanhood.”  Apparently, real Christian women are not happy with the fraudulent version Evans’ book projects.

Christine Caine, Beth Moore and Lisa Bevere have taken their aberrant and unbiblical teachings over to Greece.  “Do Not Be Surprised...” has a good report on this bad news.

Arch-heretic Joel Osteen makes so many people feel good while going to Hell that he just keeps writing more and more useless books.  Tim Challies had a good article about how Osteen’s ilk lead people to Hell as they keep on smiling and being “nice.”

Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) has always been a strong bastion of the Word of Faith heresy, and it has always dismayed me to see some solid teachers appearing on that station giving credence to it.  With scandals currently going on at TBN, there are questions as to whether real teachers should pull out.  I want to know why they compromised in the first place!

Apprising Ministries posted “The New Evangelical Christian Creed.”  While it is somewhat amusing to read - knowing how factual it actually is among some people - it is also a shame that such beliefs actually exist!

If you want to see just how bad some of the Word of Faith teachers can get, you really need to see this article about Paula White.  She is truly blaspheming God by claiming she hears from Him.

To end on a lighter note, I direct you to Mormon Coffee for an amusing interview between Joseph Smith and Jesus Christ at the final judgement.


  1. Judgement has begun - it began in the household of God. Americans both Bible believers and non alike will suffer at the hand of the evil powers, BUT God .....

    This is the time for the remnant to shine - to the Glory of God.

  2. Hi, Glenn!

    Concerning the review of Rachel Held's book by Mary Kassian, I have to agree with Kassian that Held sets up a straw man and easily knocks it down. The trouble, though, is that Kassian admits in her review, and in other writings, that Christians are not in agreement with what true, biblical womanhood is so I believe this adds to the confusion. Until reading this review, I would have put Kassian in the same camp as the Vision Forum-type folks. From the perspective of one who, for a time wholeheartedly embraced that mindset, I would suggest that many in the Vision Forum-type camp would claim Kassian as one of their own.

    Maybe it's just me that is confused by it all. I think I'll just stick to Scripture and allow the truth of the Holy Spirit drown out all that other noise.

  3. Hi Yvonne,

    In previous "Random" posts I've linked to other reviews of Rachel Held Evan's book. Every one of them comes to virtually the same conclusion, even if from different angles. Evans' sets up one huge straw man to knock down, and in the process demonstrates a total lack of understanding about what the Bible actually says. And yet I would wager she will sell almost as many books to "Christians" as she does to non-believers, who will use her book to debunk the whole idea of what a Christian woman should be like.

    I'm unfamiliar with who Mary Kassian is, but I was linked to her review. But if she is in the Vision Forum-type camp, it just shows that even a stopped clock can be right twice a day!

  4. I took a look at the rest of Kassian's website. She has a 'True Woman Manifesto' posted, which in part claims, "WE BELIEVE that Christ is redeeming this sinful world and making all things new, and that His followers are called to share in His redemptive purposes as they seek, by God’s empowerment, to transform every aspect of human life that has been marred and ruined by sin."

    Sounds like Neo-Calvinist speak to me. =[


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