Friday, September 21, 2012

Random Apostasies and Heresies

Sometimes it really gets depressing reading about all the apostasy which is invading the Church, but it is important that the information get out so as to protect the flock from deception.  What is really upsetting is that so much of the invasion is by those who are pretending to be shepherds (as depicted in the above graphic I found on the ‘net a few weeks back).  These wolves are multiplying by leaps and bounds, so it is imperative that they are exposed for what they are.

One of the latest wolves gaining a larger and larger following is Steve Furtick.  I’ve previously reported on him and his support and promotion of Word Faith heretics, but he  seems to be getting worse.  Now he's “excited” to be on TBN, the station of the WF heresy!  And Joel Osteen is a real inspiration for him, and considers Osteen a real “man of God.”  This guy is bad news to the Christian faith, and yet he has seven campuses with over 10,000 lemmings following him!!!

Speaking of Joel Osteen, he has another new book to make you feel good and to tell you the whole Word Faith heresy is perfect for you.  You, too, have creative power just by speaking. I agree with Erin - with this book, we can indeed judge it by its cover!

Apprising Ministries explains why Word Faith teachers such as Osteen are no more than agents of Satan, and why it is reprehensible for popular pastors to share the stage with them and promote them.

In that article, John Hagee gets a mention as a WF adherent, but this article demonstrates more of just how bad Hagee can twist Scripture!

We also have women “stars” becoming quite popular as they also support WF heretics.  Christine Caine not only thinks Sheryl Brady is the “best chick preacher,” but she tells us that Joyce Meyer is her “Spiritual Mother”!!  Of course Caine also supports the unbiblical idea of women pastors, as I have previously noted.  A woman of so little discernment is not worthy of listening to for teaching on God’s Word.

Part of the problem with many of today’s leaders who want to be popular, is that they spend a lot of their time trying to be “cool.”  James MacDonald, who was once a trustworthy pastor, has continued his slide into “relevance,” and now has gotten a tattoo.    And - he is so buddy-buddy with the very immature, sex-focussed Mark Driscoll! (I suggest perusal of the comments on the linked article.)

Emergent heretic Brian McLaren has now told us why he rejects what the Bible says about homosexuality - it’s all about feelings.  After all, don’t feelings trump God’s Word?

McLaren has also joined with another emergent apostate, Tony Jones, in telling us how innocent Muslims are, and that their faith is not as bad as that nasty video about them (you know, the one Muslims claim they are rioting about) claims to be.  They are as much false teachers about Islam as they are about Christianity!  And, of course, they do a little Scripture-twisting to support their ideology.

Three cheers for the countries who are banning false-teaching wolf Todd Bentley.  He is such a heretic that he thinks preaching the gospel is a waste of time!

Tim Challies has a good article refuting the false social gospel teaching that the Bible promotes redistributing the wealth.

These “all things sexual” titillation sermons so many churches are advertising reflect exactly what Midwest Christian Outreach calls “Parasitic Evangelism.”  It’s all about trying to be like the world and believing that will win people to Christ. 

When the Christian faith has nothing to offer but to be the same as unbelievers, then there is great difficulty in getting the world to hear the Gospel.


  1. The Judge is standing at the door.


  2. 1 Timothy 4 tells us:

    "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron..."

    Looks to me as if we are in those latter times.

    "For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?" 1 Peter 4:17


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