The last time I posted a “random” collection a commenter asked if the post was meant as satire or if it was serious. I was at sort of a loss how anyone could see these posts as satire.
The purpose of my “random” posts is to highlight some of the many articles I have read over a particular period, for which I don’t have time to write my own articles about. I feel the issues are important, however, and that the body of Christ should be aware of the false teachings that are corrupting the Church. And there are also times when I find articles which are very thought-provoking in ways of edification. While there may be an occasional satirical article among them (such as the one showing Benny Hinn as a Dark Lord), the posts themselves are not intended to be humor. I got the idea from a fellow blogger who does a “Roundup,” but I got my idea for a title from Thomas Sowell (a brilliant commentator) who writes an occasional “Random Thoughts From the Passing Scene.”
That being said, it has been 10 days since my last “Random” post, and I have come across so many things which I think are important to be aware of, that this may be my longest “Random” collection. Let us proceed.
I have previously pointed out that John Hagee is a false teacher. Another example is that he allowed the MORMON Glenn Beck to preach at his church!! Mormons are NOT Christians!! To treat Beck as a Christian and let him teach in a Christian church is unconscionable!
I have had posts in the past about how Joel Osteen is a rank heretic. During the last election for President, I had to do an article on Osteen’s claim that the Mormon god was the same as the Christian God. Well, he’s done it again! Osteen just doesn’t have a clue!!! A CBS headline reads: “Osteen: Romney ‘believer in Christ, like me.’” As seen here, this makes apologetics ministries have to work harder for damage control to show the world - and other Christians - that Mormonism is NOT just another denomination.
While still on the subject of Mormonsim, Janis Hutchinson has a good article explaining the newer strategies of the LDS for gaining followers. Very deceitful, of course.
Neil over at Eternity Matters has a good post explaining the further descent of the United Methodist Church into apostasy. I’ve exposed the UMC in the past, so this isn’t new to me. If you are in a UMC church, if you are not fighting this - why not?
Corporal punishment is one of those areas which should be a Romans 14 issue as to whether we should or should not use it. HOWEVER, it is certainly a biblical method of punishment. The problem is the abuse of such punishment by people such as Mike and Debi Pearl and the way they teach it. Christianity Today (or should I say Christianity Astray?) has decided to go on record as being against spanking due to twisted hermeneutics. If you don’t like spanking, don’t do it, but don’t say it is unbiblical!
Hippolytus has posted an excellent short article by Dorothy Sayers about the state of church.
There is an excellent site by those who have left Gothardism (IBLP/ATI) where they share their experiences while in that legalistic and cultic environment. Last week there was an article using the movie Tangled as an analogy. We loved that movie, and we also saw the analogy of a relationship in which our adult children are involved. I recommend this thought-provoking article.
Jerry Wragg over at The Cripplegate has an excellent 3-part series addressing the current fad of unsavory preaching and writing about all things sexual by certain “pastors.” Wragg’s series gives some good analysis of the problems with this ideology, as well as great responses to claims made about the importance of their unsavory teaching. Read parts one, two and three.
One thing I get tire of hearing from the liberals who claim the name of Christ, let alone the non-believers, is that “Jesus never said anything about homosexuality.” Stand to Reason blog gives a good response.
The aberrational man-made Code Orange Revival is the big talk on many apologetics sites. As with all the man-made revivals over the years, there is nothing of substance in any of them. One of the surprising things is that this so-called evangelical revival headlines the heretic modalist T.D. Jakes. James MacDonald, who used to be pretty solid as a teacher, is part of the COR and claims he learned “a ton” from T.D. - okaaaaayyyy. However, I think if anyone reads this story about T.D. Jake’s COR sermon, they’d be scratching their heads at just what it is they are supposed to learn! Erin has an excellent recap of the 12 days of COR, demonstrating how man-centered the event was. Goatherd Steve Furtick, who is behind COR, let a WOF woman, Christine Caine, preach a sermon in his “Elevation Church” last week.
And, finally, if you want satire, Ken Silva has posted a photo to give you a chuckle. And he posted another that is scary - albeit true.
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