Monday, March 7, 2011

Disassociate From False-Teaching Denominations

Apprising Ministries had this great quote, which we should all take to heart.

“For Christians to be linked in association with ministers who do not preach the gospel of Christ is to incur moral guilt. A union which can continue irrespective of whether its member churches belong to a common faith is not fulfilling any scriptural function. The preservation of a denominational association when it is powerless to discipline heretics cannot be justified on the grounds of the preservation of ‘Christian unity.’ It is error which breaks the unity of churches, and to remain in a denominational alignment which condones error is to support schism.” The Forgotten Spurgeon, Murray, 164-165.

Now, where are those with the courage to leave such apostate and heretical denominations as the ELCA, Episcopal Church, PCUSA, UCC, et al?


  1. Our family finally left the UCC when they started running the UCC commercials on TV. I wanted to leave 2 years before that when my daughter came home from the national youth meeting with materials saying "It's OK to be Gay," etc., but my husband wasn't ready to leave.

    Those of you who still belong to the denominations that Glenn mentioned in his post - you need to look carefully at the tenets of your denomination and see whether they line up with the Bible or not. If they don't - run, don't walk away from that denomination and find a Bible believing and preaching church.

  2. I left my Church which once was Baptist and now is full-blown Emergent. If we chose to honor God and His Word above all, He grants us grace for the courage to leave.
    He will sustain us.
    Lin in British Columbia

  3. This is one reason I am considering converting to Catholicism. They have held fast to scriptural teachings by rejecting ssm, contraception, co-habitation, re marriage (if first is not annulled), female ordination.... this is just what I can think of off the top of my head and I'm not even a Catholic yet.

    Is it perfect? No. But from where I stand at this juncture I truly believe it's the best choice for Christians.

    For those not familiar with it, I encourage you to study it from Catholic sources, not protestant (or other) sources. I have discovered that what I learned about Catholics from protestant sources was false. Plus when I read about it from a protestant source online, then try to verify via a Catholic source, the protestant source is incorrect.

    We all have to approach this very prayerfully. For those looking for a church home please do give it some honest and open consideration. If you've never studied Catholic teachings from a Catholic perspective, it's quite possible that what you think about Catholicism is not correct. Thank you and God bless us all as we try to follow Him.

  4. JT,

    I respectfully suggest you reconsider the idea of Roman Catholicism. I might suggest you look over the series I did about the RCC - look under the "labels" tag on the right side of the blog. Not all articles are in my series, but all articles show why RCC is NOT the true Church. Rome has a horrible history of murdering anyone disagreeing with them, a papacy rife with corruption, heretical and unbiblical teachings, etc.

    I have studied the Roman church for about 25 years and have my own copies the Catechism, Ludwig Ott's "Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma," papal encyclicals, Canons and Decrees of Trent, and a host of other official RCC publications. I began in-depth study of the Church when I was asked to join, so before I considered doing so I decided to study what they taught compared to Scripture, and was appalled at what I found.

    You would do better by finding a good, fundamental non-denominational Bible-based church. The church I attend is very fundamental on the issues you cite.

  5. Great quote from Iain Murray's "The Forgotten Spurgeon" I highly recommend this book. Spurgeon is always good. Colin Maxwell


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