Yesterday in church we sang a song that was popular in the 1960s and 1970s among the “Jesus People,” and one I learned when I was studying with the Navigators during my Army days. It is titled, We Are One In the Spirit.
Over the years as I have matured in my faith, I get more and more annoyed by this little ditty. It’s a “feel-good” song, for sure, but the apologetic eye sees a serious biblical error in this song. Let me show you the third verse and see if you can spot the problem:
We will work with each other,
We will work side by side.
We will work with each other,
We will work side by side.
And we'll guard each man's dignity
And save each man's pride.
Do you see it? How many times do Christians sing this song without thinking about all the lyrics? Where is the discernment?
“And we’ll guard each man’s dignity and save each man’s pride.” Where is this taught in the Bible? Isn’t pride something that we have to guard against? Do we find anything in Scripture at all about saving each other’s pride? Some may argue that showing respect for someone is “guarding” their dignity; perhaps we can even say the dignity of man is the image of God. So I won’t quibble on this part because it can really get nuanced. But “saving” each other’s pride is something I just can’t validate at all.
Isn’t it time we threw this old “feel-good” song out?
I've never heard of the song, but my hyper-sensitive NANC radars went off the charts when I got to that line. "Save each man's pride". LOL...I take it these peeps don't believe in Total Depravity?
ReplyDeleteIt obviously is meant to be an ecumenical song. Taken in context, saving each man's pride refers to accepting his erroneous heretical beliefs and accepting him as a brother without making him renounce them. And although guarding the "dignity" of Christians could theoretically be a good and biblical idea, the context shows that it means essentially the same thing as saving each man's pride.
ReplyDeleteI hate ecumenism.
Ecumenism is a tool of Satan!
ReplyDeleteOh my, does that bring back memories of sitting around the bonfire at church camp with all the long-haired Jesus people! I do remember one song leader who changed the words and we sang, "We'll put away our dignity and throw away our pride," or something like that. He must have been wise beyond the times. Most of the "church" songs of that time were what I consider to be the start of today's contemporary Christian music. Yuck. Pass It On, If I had a Hammer, Kum Ba Ya, and poor Michael, endlessly rowing his boat in circles. Ha-ha.
ReplyDeleteI beg to differ...
ReplyDeleteI too once was taken aback by this verse. Since then, I think it is actually a great thing to sing about when thinking about Christian love.
There is certainly bad pride, but just as certain there is good pride.
"pride" in the New Testament is most often used in the positive sense. There are some things that we can be proud of, such as a good name, a son or daughter, and brothers and sisters in Christ (aka the Church) and the local church, even mowing the grass well and making your lawn look nice. If someone were to attack these things that I ought to take proper pride in, especially behind my back, then if a brother of sister in Christ sticks up for me and saves my pride and stops a rumor or hurtful words then they would be in a sense "saving my pride" - That to me seems like Christian love.
This falls under the heart of the 9th commandment. And I think it falls under the description of love in 1 Cor 13.
Furthermore I could hardly imagine authorial intent of the song promoting such a silly idea that encourages sin. Just doesn't make any sense in that context.
Excellent response based on the truth of the Scriptures -it’s good taking a closer look at what is taught regarding the dignity of man and pride.
ReplyDeleteYou've GOT to be kidding! Is this what you see the Christian faith being about - saving each other's pride? Sorry, but I can't justify it the way you do, nor do I find this song having any place in worship.
As I said in my post. There are 2 types of pride.
ReplyDeleteNT references of positive understandings of pride: 2 Cor 5:12, 7:4, 8:24, Gal 6:4, Jam 1:9+10
Furthermore, I did not say this is what the Christian faith is about, but I would say that following the 10 commandments (including the 9th) is something the Christian ought to strive for.
I suppose to a degree I am trying to do the words of this song in these posts. I do not know the author but as a Christian brother, I want to love on the author of this song and I (in the spirit of 1 Cor 13) expect the best rather than the worst of the author's intent. So out of love I am seeking to stick up for a good song that he could take pride in as he was seeking to serve God by writing about Christian love and unity.
ReplyDeleteI understand there are two types of pride. But the issue is singing a song during a worship service about saving each other’s pride and dignity. I think we have a whole lot more priority in the Christian walk than that, and a worship service is supposed to be about God - not about self. And another thing about this song is that we “pray that all unity may one day be restored.” That is unbiblical, because “all unity” will never be restored on earth. And I really don’t see how all this fits in with the 9th commandment, which is a proscription against bearing false witness.
I’m not looking at an author’s intent so much as what the words actually say. And the lyrics are just another feel-good song from the past. One’s intent doesn’t excuse error.
I like Jars of Clay's rendition of this song! Good song! I like it.
ReplyDeleteI don't think the song should be condemned as heresy.
Father's tell their sons, "I'm proud of you."
This song is about Christians loving other Christians.
What better way to publicly show a fellow Christian he/she is loved by 'guarding [their] dignity (or pride)'?
Here's my problem with your "analysis": "I’m not looking at an author’s intent so much as what the words actually say". Definition of dignity: "a sense of pride in oneself; self-respect".
"...we'll guard each man's dignity and save each man's pride..." means to protect fellow Christians from embarrasment/humiliation/shame.
ReplyDeleteIt is NOT our job as Christians to guard someone else's pride. NEVER our job. This song is foolish and sappy. Mormons can be known by their love, but they aren't Christian. So the idea that people will know us by our love is also wrong and illogical.
And I never said it was heresy.
"They'll know we are Christians by our love" is from John 13:35.
ReplyDeleteHaving grown up Catholic, I had the impression the prayer for unity was about getting Orthodox and Protestants to rejoin the Catholic Church, but even aside from that, I think most Christians would agree the divisions within our religion are counterproductive.
As to the "guard each one's dignity and save each person's pride" line, I agree with Matt. Matthew 18 tells us when we have disagreements not to embarrass people, but instead go to them in private to work it out. And the story where Ham goes all "hey guys, dad's drunk and naked! Hahaha!" in Genesis 9 gets his offspring cursed, because rather than saving Noah's pride by covering him (like his brothers ended up doing) and keeping it quiet, he was a blabber mouth.
John 13:35 has a context of true believers. The song includes everyone who claims to be Christian, including those following false teachings. But you'll notice I didn't even mention that part of the song; my complaint is with the verse noted.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, but we are not here to protect each other's pride or dignity. We are here to proclaim Christ. And we can't all be one in the Spirit as long as there are denominations which teach heresy (such as Roman Catholicism, ELCA, PCUSA). Divisions due to doctrine are NOT counterproductive, rather they are according to scripture.
I'm really surprised that people like touchy-feely songs and build them up into something the author probably never even though of!
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ReplyDeleteI am so shocked by the criticism of this song. As a 12 year old, I learned it around a campfire while on a camping trip with a girlfriend who was Baptist. I was not. But that song has stuck with me for 55 years and still plays in my head. So please let me share a different take:
ReplyDeleteI spent my career managing thousands of employees over 40+ years. So throughout my career…I would see fellow managers criticize/ridicule employees (in front of co-workers) for mistakes they made at work.
This always saddened me and reminded me of this verse which (from a child’s memory) was “we will spare each man’s dignity and die for his pride”. I always took that to mean that we were meant treat others who made mistakes with kindness and not put them down or publicly criticize them.
To me, “leaving a persons pride in tact” was preserving their dignity and not shaming them in front of others.
So the whole “pride” word is being used in such a negative context here. That’s sad. Because there are probably millions of people who perhaps work for, or have teachers, etc. that they must take input from and not speak back.
Aren’t they deserving of respect and to have their dignity/pride left in tact?
I have an auditory learning disabled son and a mostly deaf husband who often hear or get instructions wrong. Then many persons will laugh at their mistakes or even call them “dummy” etc. So where is the mindfulness of sparing their dignity? Preserving their pride? Not destroying their self esteem?
THIS is what I think of when I sing this song in my head: that I will try to always protect a persons dignity/pride/self esteem because no one knows what reasons they might have for making a mistake; not answering correctly, etc.
God bless those that care like this. One day my son might encounter you and you will be a blessing.
ReplyDeleteI am "shocked" that you are shocked/i> by my criticism!
I stand by my criticism, including what I add in my comments. No where in Scripture do we see we are to "save" or "protect" anyone's dignity/pride. One's self-esteem can only be hurt if the person accepts the attacks on his esteem instead of knowing the truth.
Again, it is a feel-good song totally inappropriate for a worship service. If you want to sing it around a campfire, more power to you.