Thursday, March 4, 2010

To Train Up A Child - Follow-up

I get a weekly e-mail newsletter from Midwest Christian Outreach apologetics ministry (, which I highly recommend to those interested in apologetics. Today’s letter had a short article titled, “Death by Pearls,” which mentioned that there have been deaths of children linked to the child-raising philosophy of Mike and Debi Pearl. The article had a link to an open letter by a home-schooling mom in regards to the Pearls’ training, which I recommend for your viewing at

So, you’d think the Pearls would be concerned about the criticism directed out them, wouldn’t you? Not at all! Take a look at Mike’s response to his critics:

This is rank arrogance! The man behaves as a cult leader who has the only true way of raising children.

The really sad thing is that there are hundreds, if not thousands of followers of the Pearls. People are always looking for rules in a legalistic system so they don’t have to think for themselves, and it is the Pearls and the Gothard sort of people who lead these non-discerning sheep astray. We must continually expose the people for the false teachers they are.


  1. Glenn, thanks so much for keeping this information in the forefront. With your permission I'd like to copy this post on my blog.

  2. Thank you. I see this "excuse" for child rearing all the time. "Just doing what the Bible tells me to do." Abuse breeds abuse. Thanks for the stand against the Pearls.


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