Tuesday, May 23, 2023


A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends.

Proverbs 16:28

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Husbands and Wives

Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing[b] her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.

Ephesians 5:22-29

Friday, May 5, 2023

Brian Simmons, False Teacher to Avoid

The following was posted on These Aren’t the Apostles You’re Looking For Facebook page on 4/21/23 :


This is the author of the "Passion Translation,” Brian Simmons. 

Christian friend, if you use TPT, I care for you and simply wish to inform you. Simmons claims Jesus took him to Heaven to give him the keys to God's emotions that are supposedly lost in existing translations. He also claims that Jesus promised to bring him back to Heaven at a later time to give him John chapter 22 (There are only 21 chapters in John). He says this latter day revelation of John 22 will trigger the greatest revival of all time (The greatest deception would be more likely). He told this story to Sid Roth on "It's Supernatural". You can Youtube it. 

The pictured quote is from a conference in 2014. He goes on to say, "It would have to be a Quartet". It's not taken out of context. I listened to hours of it...the context is even worse. He says in another talk during this conference that…”We are the reincarnation of Jesus Christ." 

Simmons is a Charismatic mystic and some consider him to be an apostle. He is widely accepted in the hyper-charismatic movement which believes in new apostles and prophets. It's possible that you've never heard of it. You may even like TPT and I'm not trying to attack you personally. I have been deceived before. Feel free to reach out if you have questions. I've deconstructed a lot of erroneous beliefs and am rebuilding on the solid rock. We can build together. 

Truth matters, and I still believe truth can be known. I can also hold to my beliefs without being nasty, so fear not. If Jesus said "Love your enemies", surely I can love a sibling in Christ with whom I disagree. I've made a ton of mistakes in discernment, which makes me eager to extend grace. 

So grace to you, dear friend.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Fake Healers Seek Medical People!

The following was posted on the Famine in the Land Facebook page on 4/22/23:


Havilah Cunnington is Bethel's Women's Pastor. She's literally surrounded by those who claim to bring Heaven to Earth and teach that there's no sickness in Heaven so there should be no sickness on Earth.  If she just waits for two weeks she can attend Bethel's healing school in May (she's on staff so I presume the $165 fee doesn't apply to her). According to Bethel's website "At Bethel Healing School we will explore a heavenly culture that overflows into the miraculous. You will be inspired, activated, and launched into a lifestyle of healing and miracles.”

The reality is that these celebrity teachers, NAR, and word of faith frauds, cannot practice what they preach - and even worse what they sell. Kenneth Copeland has a pacemaker, Todd White suffered from a serious heart condition, and need I list all the NAR & faith healers who died from disease? 

As for Lisa Bevere, as far as discerning believers are concerned liking or not liking an individual is irrelevant. What they teach is relevant! Lisa and John Bevere are word of faith/prosperity gospel/NAR false teachers. John Bevere believes we can speak to the wind and command it to "blow from east to west." With this kind of authority, why not speak a creative miracle into being as Lisa Bevere has one prosthetic eye - that would be a real miracle. 

Nevertheless, here we have Havilah Cunnington, who like the rest of us is relying on medical professionals to deal with a medical condition. One would expect however that a leader in one of the leading "churches" that pursue, teach on, and peddle healing and miracles, would promote their own healing school...perhaps she knows the truth.

(We certainly believe that the sick should be prayed for and that God may heal some according to his will - we just don't believe in snake oil salesmen).