Wednesday, August 31, 2022

What An Agglomeration!

Let’s start with an easy one: 10 Best Christian Discernment Blogs and Websites. I don’t know what the criteria is and I certainly think there are some better sites, but they’ve got me at #5. 

Who Do You Say Jesus Is? Excellent, concise examination of the Jesus of the cults.

Is Having a “Private Prayer Language” Biblical?

Examining the “Jesus is my boyfriend” movement.

An example of the horrid invasion of the church by Satan as he legitimizes what God calls an abomination. If you can stomach it, here is another example.

I doubt if there are any real Christians left in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.

A Canadian “church” calling itself “Lutheran” is as bad as the ELCA with its invasion of evil. Neither are churches of Christ, rather they are dens of iniquity serving Satan.

A word about the “gay Christianity” movement.

This video is an hour long. If you have the time, it’s a great exposure of false prophet Bob Jones of IHOP.

Patricia King proves she’s a rank heretic (just under four minutes). Why do people listen to her? Of course Michael Brown supports her. The outrageous blasphemy of Patricia King and others in the charismatic movement is perfectly displayed in this video.

More proof that Paula White is a false Christian, let alone false teacher.

Kat Kerr—how in the world can people really believe her nonsense?!?! She is a pawn of Satan.

Some real charismaniacs here. Mostly women, and the keyboard just keeps making the same tones--no music-- over and over. A bunch of emotional nonsense with no honoring of God.

Oh, how often I have said that Timothy Keller is a false teacher. Has he had some good teachings? Yes, but on the whole his bad more than outweighs his good. Here is another example of where he goes wrong. Oh, and he seems to be teaching evolutionism with some really weird and unbiblical ideas. I wish I had the time to do an in-depth exposure of how much of a wolf is Keller.

What about Matt Chandler and his “Acts 29 churches”? Chandler continues to prove his unworthiness to be a pastor.

Beth Moore’s daughter Melissa is even worse than her mother!!!!

Women clergy have been at the vanguard of pushing Christianity and Judaism to the left, leaving mainstream churches and synagogues increasingly empty. Of course, the increasingly feminized male clergy go along with their female colleagues.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Did She Really Say That?!?!?

This was posted on Facebook by another apologetics ministry.  Jesus is not a boyfriend and He doesn't try to get women to have crushes on Him. This is another perfect example of what a horrid, narcissistic "teacher" is Beth Moore.

I liked what the author of the FB post said:
Jesus is not your boyfriend - "so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Philippians 2:10-11.
By pandering to her Twitter fan club, Beth Moore reveals her distorted, irreverent, and false view of who Jesus is. Mark and avoid this deluded teacher.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

A Real Conglomeration

I’ve been busier than I can even think to describe, which means my collection of links was getting to much to put off posting any longer!  So hold on to your seats as you skim through the linked articles.

More and more, real science agrees with creationism.

Should we look at a teacher’s lifestyle? Or only his/her doctrine?

False Christ of The Chosen, Jesus Calling & The Shack - Pastor Chris Quintana

Homosexuality is the unfailing characteristic of paganism.

Say WHAT?!!?

I can’t warn you often enough to stay away from Jen Hatmaker; and remember she is supported by false teacher Beth Moore.

The ignorance and emotionalism of those following false teachers never ceases to amaze me.

Excellent overall examination of the Bethel Redding cult.

“Pastor” Chris Reed is another New Apostolic Reformation false teacher/prophet. Avoid him like the plague.

Lou Engle— sigh.

More Roman Catholic apostasy.

The ELCA denomination is about as evil and polluted as it gets.

The Church of the Covenant in Boston has proven it is not a Christian church. Of course, since it is aligned with both UCC and PCUSA, it’s a foregone conclusion that any banner they put up would be ungodly.

The dangers of Willow Creek.

This is what The Gospel Coalition has descended to—there is no Christian teaching here.