Thursday, April 28, 2022

The Descent of William Lane Craig

The following is from Haven Ministries’ “The Haven Newsletter,” April 2022. I think the author is Bill Honsberger. 


Non-Prophet Section

So many bad guys—so little time…

Again, the problem with this item is that there is always way too many bad guys.

New Apostolic Reformation heretics, Hillsong and Bethel false teachers.

Filipino heretics like Quiboloy (who proclaims himself to be Jesus—but is now wanted by the US FBI for sex trafficking!) and others. However, someones I have long respected has started the long painful path towards full apostasy I fear. William Lane Craig has been one of the most solid Christian philosophers/theologians in the US for decades. Sadly, he has recently come out and declare the Genesis account to be a mere myth and that no thinking person could take it seriously. I kept watching the video hoping that this time he would just laugh and say that he was just representing the bad guys, but no. In fact, when you watch he is literally mocking the historic position of accuracy of the Lord’s word through Moses. You know, the one that Jesus and Paul quoted from! Please pray for him. I hope that someone else of good repute can reach out to him and that he would repent from this.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Did They Really Say That?!?

so no man goeth to Christ but by His Mother 

(Vatican Website: Encyclical of Pope Leo 13th on the Rosary, Octobri Mense, Pope Leo 13th, 1903-1914,

Roman Catholics: Please show me from Scripture where this is said by Jesus or the Apostles!

This is heresy, plain and simple.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Another Agglomeration

I really want to write separate posts on the things I come across, so as to do a bit of my own commentary, but so many things keep coming up lately that I just can’t keep on top of them! So here is the latest collection of things which need discernment warnings!

Beth Allison Barr’s Distortion of Biblical Womanhood.  A woman experienced troubles in the church and therefore decided the church is wrong.

Roman Catholic idolatry of Mary.

Good information exposing “The Chosen” for the trash that it is. And the lies used to get more people to watch it!

Bill Johnson and Bethel—Sigh.

Aimee Byrd—another false teacher to be aware of.

Francis Chan is still a false teacher.

Jackie Hill Perry thinks she’s a prophet of God. Just another false teacher who refuses correction.

First Baptist Church, Orlando, has dangerous teaching.

I live just NW of Iowa City - it takes me only 20 minutes to get downtown. It is one of the most LEFTIST cities in the USA and the University of Iowa with its LEFTIST professors is in the heart of town. We had a weekly street ministry there for 11 years and encountered much of the horrors of LEFTIST ideology. But just when you think you’ve heard it all you get shocked with what is taught at the First Presbyterian Church of Iowa City. I guess it being a PCUSA assembly I shouldn’t really be surprised.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Racism for Lent?

You can always tell a false church with false teachers when they introduce racism as part of their Lenten celebration.

First United Church of Oak Park, IL, has decided to eliminate any vestige of “whiteness” in order to celebrate a mostly “African” (as if all blacks have African heritage and as if black or “Native American” Christians don’t want anything to do with hymns or liturgy by “whites.”)

But when you look at their web page you will see that the ‘story of Noah is an origin myth” — an origin MYTH?!?  You’ll also see that two women are on their pastoral staff, in violation of the teaching of the Bible. And they support the “LGBTQ community” (We welcome lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people into the full life and ministry of the church, including ordination, expecting and encouraging them to share their talents and gifts in the life, liturgy, leadership, and employment positions of our congregation, as our ministers, teachers, members, visitors, and friends.)

Well, what else can you expect from the apostate United Church of Christ denomination which is also affiliated with the apostate Presbyterian Church (USA) denomination? Both are LEFTIST church groups who long ago left Biblical Christianity behind, so having a racist Lenten celebration is just “par for the course” for them.

I think it is proper to say that there are no real Christians there.

Monday, April 11, 2022

The Pope Denies Christ

Islam has been the enemy of Christians for 1500 years and yet the Pope, who claims to represent Christ and God the Father, hides the cross so as not to offend Muslims. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. More proof that the Pope is a fraud.

457 years after the Great Siege of Malta, Pope Francis surrenders to Islam

By Andrea Widburg

Pope Francis, despite being the head of worldwide Catholicism, always seems to be apologizing for the faith.  In Malta, that apology extended to hiding the cross from illegal Muslim aliens.  This act of Christian cowardice was more poignant than usual, given that Malta, in the mid-16th century, was the site of one of the Catholic world's bravest and most successful stands against Islam's push to take over Europe.

The Republic of Malta is a tiny island located southwest of both the toe of the Italian boot and the island of Sicily.  Travel farther west from Malta, and you will find yourself heading to Tunisia, in North Africa.  Alternatively, if you head east from Malta, after passing from the Mediterranean Sea into the Aegean Sea, you will find yourself at the Bosporus, and the country known as Turkey today, but that was once home to the powerful Ottoman Empire.

In the mid-15th century, the Ottoman Turks emerged from the east to conquer Constantinople, the last remnant of the great Roman empire.  They converted the magnificent Church of Hagia Sophia into the Grand Mosque of Hagia Sophia and renamed the city Istanbul.  From Istanbul, they continued their conquests.

The Ottoman Empire didn't stop there.  It gradually conquered most of the Balkans (and helped give rise to the story of Dracula, since Vlad the Impaler fought the Turks) and acquired large swaths of the Middle East, including Egypt and other parts of North Africa, the Holy Land, Baghdad, Mesopotamia, parts of the Caucasus region (which eventually were incorporated into the Soviet Union), some of the former Venetian empire, and more.  The Ottomans seemed unstoppable.

However, by the mid-16th century, Europeans began to fight back.  One of the most famous battles between Catholic Europe and the Muslim Ottomans occurred at the Great Siege of Malta.  The Knights Hospitaller, whom the Ottomans had driven from Rhodes, had their headquarters there, and when the Ottomans attacked, they refused to yield.  Instead, they and the citizens of Malta withstood a devastating siege that lasted nearly four months.

Nobody knows how many Maltese residents died, but it's accepted that the Turks lost between 25,000 and 35,000 troops from combat and disease.  The day before they started the siege marked the apex of the Ottoman Empire's power.  After that, its military invincibility ended, and the sultanate become increasingly corrupt, as weaker and weaker men ruled it.  Nevertheless, the Ottoman Empire lingered for almost 300 more years, finally ending with WWI.

The point I'm trying to make is that when it comes to Europe's survival as a Christian community, the Knights Hospitallers' defense of Malta was one of the most important events in European history.  That's why it was so disturbing to read that Pope Francis, when he appeared in Malta, hid the crosses so he wouldn't offend illegal Muslim migrants on that tiny island:

Organizers canceled the crucifix from the papal podium because Pope Francis did not want to offend illegal Muslim migrants during the climax of his Malta trip.

Instead, recycled plastic bottles with red blobs were used to design the backdrop for the pope's address to migrants at the John XXIII Peace Lab in Ħal-Far on Saturday, a voluntary organization run by leftist Franciscan friar Fr. Dionysius Mintoff. 

[Artistic director Carlos] Schembri, who was commissioned to design the key backdrops for the papal visit to Malta, insisted he was being faithful to Francis' primary reason for visiting the island — to defend migrants and the ecology.

"The podium will not be adorned with a crucifix, given that the majority of migrants are Muslim," the Malta archdiocese noted,  in an article published on its website, adding that "the pontiff's visit is expected to draw attention to the brutal situation of Malta's migrant community."

You can read more at the link about the way Christianity and traditional values barely factored into the Pope's presentation.  Although he did make the point that the current Western worldview "goes against the right to life from the moment it is conceived," he managed to avoid entirely words such as "Jesus," "sin," and "repentance," and he seemed more concerned with church politics and the rights of illegal aliens.

The past is in the past, of course.  Still, I find it highly ironic that Malta, a place at which Paul preached and those Knights Hospitallers battled to the death in defense of their faith, should host a visit from the pope who seems embarrassed by that same faith and ready to give way to the ideological descendants of the island's one-time enemies.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

More Thoughts on "The Chosen" Series

The following is excerpted from The Berean Call Newsletter, April 2022.


There is another development of late that is overwhelming Christendom and denying the authority and sufficiency of the Scriptures. I’m referring to the movie series called The Chosen, which we’ve addressed in part in previous newsletter articles—and its popularity is growing exponentially. You may ask, “How does the film series deny the authority and sufficiency of God’s Word?” 

First of all, it creates scenes featuring Jesus and his disciples conjured up by a screenwriter who provides dialogue for them (words that were never spoken in Scripture). The screenwriter and film director have the actors portraying Jesus and his disciples doing things they never did. The Bible claims to be our authority regarding what Jesus said and did. That which the screenwriter writes, and the director directs, therefore subverts the authority of God’s Word. As viewers fill their minds with the endless unbiblical scenes that The Chosen presents visually, that is what becomes their authority.

What then of the sufficiency of God’s Word, or lack thereof? The intent of The Chosen’s producers was to supply for audiences that which evidently the Holy Spirit was unable to communicate effectively through words actually contained in the Bible. Just as Christianity had to wait nearly 1900 years for the arrival of Christian psychology to meet the psychological needs of Christians, the church had to wait nearly the same amount of time for the invention of motion pictures in order for Christians to relate to the personal character of Jesus. 

The medium of film was also necessary in order to make the Jesus of Scripture more acceptable, more human, and less “stoic,” as The Chosen’s producers claim. Make him “more authentic.” We’re told by The Chosen Mormon producer, Derral Eves, that “The whole purpose of the show is to have people experience an authentic Jesus.” Written words that have to be read were obviously not sufficient for one to get to know the real Jesus. A common response from the millions of viewers (this one from a Mormon student cited in a BYU magazine) was that “she loves the show because it helps viewers see Christ as a real person. It helped me recognize that he was a regular (though perfect) guy who likes to joke with his friends, loves his mom, and has a special connection with the little children.” Those “authentic insights,” however, were supplied not by the Holy Spirit but by the series’ creative production people. Although the writer/director of the series, Dallas Jenkins, claims that God had told him regarding the production of The Chosen that He wouldn’t let him “screw it up.” Jenkins has done that and worse.

Scripture warns us to try the spirits “whether they are of God…” (1 John:4:1). The Chosen, from beginning to end, is a lie (Proverbs 30:6), and it adds man’s ideas to God’s Word, especially the Person of Jesus Christ, which is condemned (Deuteronomy 4:2,12:32, and Revelation 22:18). Its content is at odds with and contrary to what the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, has communicated in the Word of God. Furthermore, the Bible makes it absolutely clear that those who add to what is written in God’s Word have not the Spirit of truth, nor can they receive the things of God, neither can they know them, “because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians 2:14). Those things are clearly contrary to what the true Author of the Scriptures has communicated, the very One whom Dallas Jenkins claims had spoken to him.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Brian Huston Rebells Against God

The following (along with the above meme) was posted on Facebook by Famine in the Land. Just more about the false teachers who started the cult of Hillsong.


As Hillsong continues to implode, Brian Houston is crying foul due to his wife being made redundant with immediate effect. He wasn't crying when many churches fell prey to a Hillsong take over, and subsequent manipulation. He wasn't crying when victims of Hillsong came forward to tell their stories. He wasn't crying when Hillsong's cover-ups enabled people unfit for ministry (including himself) to continue in their wickedness. He wasn't crying while he spent four decades building the soul of his "church" at the expense of the gospel.


The Houstons can retire comfortably, but Houston has already stated that they have "no intention of retiring." They are used to their position of influence, the adoration they receive, the material rewards....the carnal nature is never satisfied, it never “retires."

No doubt, this will get ugly, and once again the world will be pointing fingers at the "church." That's when it's helpful, if not essential, to explain to unbelievers that Hillsong is not part of the true church - the body of Christ. They're just another ear- tickling false church. Pray for those who have been caught up in Hillsong's false gospel, that God would this opportunity to open the eyes of those who are disillusioned and have been deceived.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

About the "Agglomeration"

I know last year I said I was going to discontinue the "Agglomeration" posts, but sometimes the things I come across just NEED to be exposed to a WIDE audience!