Saturday, August 22, 2020

Something to Think About

From Robert E. Picirilli's book Grace, Faith, Free Will: Contrasting Views of Salvation - Calvinism & Arminianism

If the atonement actually secures saving faith for those covered, and did not secure saving faith for the non-elect, it is not sufficient for the non-elect. (pg.97)

If not all who hear can respond to the gospel, as the Calvinist insists, then only those given repentance and faith can do so. In consequence, no person who hears the gospel can do so with any confidence that he can respond. Conversely, all who hear and are not given the gift may conclude that the offer is not intended for them and therefore not rejected by them. What a person cannot receive, he can not really reject. Nor can he be rightly blamed for rejection (although he might well be blamed for being in the condition that brought on his inability). (pg.118)

Monday, August 10, 2020

Apologetics News

I still have my daily readings to keep up with what’s happening in the realm of apologetics and there have been some articles I decided really needed to be shared with my readers.

Elizabeth Prata, over at The End Time blog, has written a two-part examination of false teacher Beth Moore. The first part asks if Beth Moore has only “drifted” only recently (no) while the second one examines Moore’s “spiritual biography.”

To go along with Elizabeth’s articles I discovered there is a new book examining Moore’s teachings. Written by G. Seth Dunn, the book is titled, “So Long Beth Moore, You’ve Been a Bad Friend to Us.

So, the latest news about Moore again proves she is not qualified to teach; she claims white supremacy is rampant in much of the church.

Changing subject, Bethel Church casts out the demon of racism! Of course they use occult means to do so.

I’ve never heard of Bob Goff, let alone his book, Everybody Always. Clinton Adams wrote an excellent review.

Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry has an excellent article exposing the false teachings about “transubstantiation.”

Answers In Genesis explains why 2 Samuel 12 does not support polygamy.

Finally, the apostate ELCA denomination is changing its name; it must be true because I read it on the Internet.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Perpetuation of Church Leadership

Although the New Testament provides no example of elders appointing elders, perpetuation of eldership is implied in the elders’ role as congregational shepherds, stewards, and overseers. Perpetuating the eldership is a major aspect of church leadership responsibility. It is absolutely vital to the ongoing life of a church that the elders recognize the Spirit-given desire of others to shepherd the flock. If a brother desires to shepherd the church and truly exhibits that desire through appropriate action, and if he is morally qualified, then the elders are obligated to see that such a person is not frustrated in his desire. Such a brother needs to be officially made a member of the church eldership team.

Alexander Strauch, Biblical Eldership, pg.278

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Elders Must Be Spiritually Fit

Much of the weakness and waywardness of our churches today is due directly to our failure to require that church shepherds meet God’s standards for office. If we want our local churches to be spiritually fit, then we must require our shepherds to be spiritually fit.

Alexander Strauch, Biblical Eldership, pg.71