Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Passion Translation

This “Bible” version should be called a “mis-translation.” 

The following article was posted on Facebook by Mike Winger.


Important reminder:

An example of someone who is “getting away with it.”

THIS is the guy who wrote “The Passion Translation” of the Bible, which has been endorsed by Bethel Church and is still available on YouVersion and other apps, despite the fact that it has been panned by numerous scholars as unreliable. 

Does Brian Simmons deny that he said these things? 

This is stuff Brian Simmons, author of The Passion Translation of the Bible, has claimed… (I have video footage of all of these claims)

1. He's gone to heaven, grabbed two books from “the library of heaven” and brought them back to earth. 

2. Billy Graham visited him in a dream. 

3. God gave him secrets of Hebrew and Greek that he has used to make his new translation of the Bible. 

4. His wife has levitated off the ground twice and has seven dreams from God every night. 

5. The great last days harvest will begin in 2013 when every stadium in New York will be filled with evangelistic activities, and continue through 2020 when it will really ramp up. (Imagine someone prophesying that 2020 will be a great year of public outreach events). 30 million Americans will get saved during this time. 

6. Between 2015 and 2016, 20% of Californians will get saved. 

7. He went on a long ride, on a fiery chariot, through the northeast area of the U.S. and watched the sunrise with “a prophet whose name you would know.”

8. God touched his head and supernaturally “expanded the capacity” of his brain. Brian says he confirmed this with a “top brain mapping scientist.”

9. One day in the future God will give him a book that has all the unwritten works of Jesus. This will spark a massive new revival around the world. 

10. Brian will one day have so much glory on him that people within a 50 mile radius will feel it. 

11. One day soon (as of several years ago) God would literally put supernatural pillars of fire over church buildings so that people won’t have to ask where the church is. They will see it. 

12. Brian understands the book of Revelation better than other people because God gave him the “spirit of revelation.”

13. Adam teleported around the Garden of Eden.

14. In order for him to translate the Bible he says “It was like I received a chip” in his head and that “Immediately, downloads came.” 

15. Many of his supernatural revelations and new understandings of the Bible are not only included in his Passion Translation of the Bible but are also included in the footnotes. 

16. Fire once shot out of his head and caught a church on fire. They had to call the fire department and replace the sound system. 

17. He once went to the store to get milk and the glory of God was so powerfully on him that everyone he passed by just fell over. He first thought they were all having heart attacks but then realized it was the glory. 

18. He doesn’t understand why more people won’t call the Holy Spirit “her.”

Some of these claims can be tested and some can not. The ones that can be tested (such as prophecy about stadiums and specific numbers of people getting saved) are demonstrably false. What does that tell you about the ones that can’t be tested?

Friday, June 7, 2024

Some Things to Think About

(Always click photos on this blog to enlarge them.)

Do Not Denigrate the Original Languages of the Bible.  One of the problems with the KJV Only cult. 

If you haven’t heard the speech by Harrison Butker, watch this video, then read what The Christian Post feminist commentator wrote. I agree with Butker, not what is supposed to be a Christian publication.

A Defining Moment: The REAL definition of marriage.

The Pastor Who Lied To 22 Million People? Daniel Kolenda.

Charismatic False Prophets Face Plant…Again.

Love Doesn’t Trump God’s Moral Commands.

Six reasons why you should avoid Beth Moore.  And she “Denounces Southern Baptists as “Masters of Diversion” For Dealing With Women Preachers

Reasons to avoid Lori Alexander.

Five reasons to avoid Jackie Hill Perry.

Reasons why Joyce Meyer is a false teacher.

The Episcopal Church’s dive to apostasy continues deeper and quicker.

Bill Johnson and Bethel Church lies exposed.

A NEW Level of DECEPTION is here.  While he gives some excellent information as to false teachers to avoid, I find Jordan to be rather juvenile with his ball cap on backwards; very distracting as he is saying, “look at me!”

Conference holders are often non-discerning when it comes to what speakers they invite, and inviting Glenn Beck is an example.

Still think The Chosen has no Mormon connection?

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Examining a Gothard Book, Part 5

This post is part three of examining Chapter 3: To Inspire Mighty Men! of Bill Gothard’s book, 7 Basic Needs of a Wife. 

In the section titled, 3. A God-Given Life Message Gothard has the following (pg.24):

1. A law system for one family—Adam’s

God gave Adam ten specific commandments that Adam was to obey and teach to his wife and children.

Yet Gothard gave no reference and no hint of such commandments, and I certainly haven’t been able to find them in Genesis!

Training Children Who Will Not Depart.

Many pastors are actually embarrassed over this promise in Proverbs: “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6). These pastors try to explain away this verse, because they know of Godly couples who trained up their children and when those children went to college, they rejected what they had been taught and followed the ways of the world.

Rather than looking for loopholes in the promise, we should evaluate they way in which we train up sons and daughters. We no doubt will discover significant areas of neglect, which will explain why they departed from the Lord.

Pg. 25

Firstly, the Proverbs are not promises—the are “proverbs,” i.e. general statements of how things normally go. Many, many parents raise up their children in the Lord in every way possible but they cannot FORCE their children to do as they were taught. College is well-known for having destructive teachings to lead students astray and away from the Lord. Yes, SOME parents neglect proper training, but I know too many who did just about everything right and yet one or more of their children, once on their own, turned their backs on what they were taught. Mr. Gothard has to twist this Proverb into a promise in order to denigrate parents who have children who go astray. It must be remembered the Gothard has never been married and never had children and yet insolently decides he knows better than real parents.

Under the section of, “How to Train up Mighty Men!”, there are 21 “secrets for successful child rearing” to be found in Scripture. As we look over what he calls “secrets,” keep remembering that this is from a man who never married or had children. Let’s look at some highlights of these secrets.

First secret: Desire for Children (pg.27)

A mother was puzzled and frustrated because her son had reacted to her from the day he had been born. When she was asked if she wanted to have that child, she answered, “No, I was not ready to have a child, and I actually resented the fact that I was with child.” 

This mother was informed that babies in the womb can sense in their spirit whether they are desired or unwanted. This discernment will affect their responses after birth. 

She asked God to forgive her for her wrong attitude toward His blessing, and when her son was old enough to understand, she asked him to also forgive her for her wrong attitude toward him before he was born.

Where in Scripture does it say that the spirit of the child is able to discern whether it is wanted, or where does science tell us this? The idea that a child in the womb can sense whether it is wanted is just plain outlandish.

Second secret: Dedication Before Conception.(pg.27)

Every son should know that even before he was born, he was dedicated to God for His service and that before he was formed in the womb God planned for him to impact nations for God’s glory.
Gothard then cites Jeremiah 1:5 as his evidence. Just one problem—that passage is only about Jeremiah. What if the Christian parents don’t dedicate the boy (not a girl?) before birth? What if God doesn’t have plan for the child to “impact nations”? How many Christian actually “impact nations” with service? So how could Gothard say this?

Third secret: Abstinence From Wine. (Pg. 28, Cites Judges 13:3-4)

If a mother wants to train up mighty men, she must eliminate wine and unclean meats from her home and diet.

Mark 7:19 says there are no unclean meats for Christians. The laws against clean and unclean foods were specifically for Jews to begin with. There is nothing in Scripture condemning the drinking of wine—only the excessive use of it. A mother should not drink alcohol when with child because of possible damage to the child, but otherwise there is no need to eliminate wine from the home.

Fourth secret: Pre-Birth Training.(pg.29)

It is now a well-established fact that an unborn child can recognize voices outside the womb and discern what is being said. The unborn child’s mind is not yet developed, but his spirit is given at conception and is capable of discernment. (Cites John the Baptist response when he heard Mary’s voice.)

The reaction of the Baptist to Mary’s voice was a special gift of God. If babies in the womb can discern what people say, then why can’t they understand what is said immediately after birth?

Fifth secret: Proper Birth Procedures (pg.30-31)

Gothard decries a hospital birth as “counterproductive to a healthy birth” due to stress and trauma for mother and child and other procedures he lists which are used only with troubled births. His reasoning for avoiding hospitals is because of Isaiah 66:9 and Jeremiah 32:27, which of course have nothing to do with birth procedures. He does confess that “There may be certain conditions in the mother or the baby that will require medial assistance,” which is good, but then he states that, “in general, a well-planned home birth with an experienced midwife and a wise hospital backup plan is the best way to bring a child into the world.

Again, a man who has never been married or had children has decided that he KNOWS the “best way.”

Sixth secret: Bonding at Birth (pg. 31)

There is an important event that should take place at birth that will bond the baby with his or her parents and other family members. It involves breathing on the baby.

Gothard cites as “precedent” God breathing into Adam’s nostrils (Gen. 2:7) and Jesus breathing on his disciples after rising from the dead (John 20:22). God breathed LIFE into Adam and Jesus’ breathing was giving them the Holy Spirit!!!!. Holding a baby is bonding with it, especially when the mother breastfeeds.

Seventh secret: Circumcision on the Eighth Day (pg.31)

In order to train up mighty men, we must follow God’s instructions for good health. Circumcision was established by God long before the Law was given to Moses…. It is…a practice that has definitive health benefits and is associated with Godly young men, whereas uncircumcised men are associated with immorality throughout Scripture.

Circumcision was/is a sign of a covenant between God and Abraham and Abraham’s descendants. Christians are not part of that covenant, and that sign had nothing to do with health. Furthermore, in the O.T. where the uncircumcised are associated with immorality it was because the comparisons were between Jews (who were circumscribed by covenant with God) and the gentiles. Gothard has a love affair with O.T. laws that were part of covenants with specific people!!

I will continue next time with part 6 of examining Chapter 3: To Inspire Mighty Men! of Bill Gothard’s book, 7 Basic Needs of a Wife.