Monday, September 25, 2023

Kris Vallotton, False and Lying Prophet.

Posted 7/31/23 on Facebook by These Aren’t the Apostles You’re Looking For.

Kris Vallotton prophesies that lots of rich, white collar professionals are going to join the ranks at Bethel Church to invest their lives and resources. This wouldn’t enrich the staff at Bethel would it? 

A biblical church would be more interested in seeing people come because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ regardless of their socioeconomic status. This is false prophecy. Just compare with Scripture. 

Also, God doesn’t need reinforcements. He’s got it all handled.

My comment: Bethel is a horrid cesspool of heresy and other false teachings and therefore God would never give this supposed revelation to Vallotton.

Friday, September 22, 2023

Odds and Ends, Good and Bad

The Brothers That Wrote a Sixth of the Psalms.

The Rise of Christological Heresy. Good explanations of some well-known historical heretical ideas about Christ.

No True Christian … Part One. Make sure to allow the Scriptures to say what a Christian is.  No True Christian … Part Two. Use proper hermeneutics to determine what Christ taught.

No, Mark didn’t invent the “sea” of Galilee. An excellent study to rebut those claim this.

Shrimp and Homosexuality—is God’s view of both the same?

Silly Putty Bible Study.

Has The Church Always Had An Ordained Priesthood?

More LEFTIST myths about Jesus. Was he tolerant of wrong-doing or evil? Was he a political centrist?

Spiritual abuse and Sovereign Grace Ministries led to a very sad situation for a deceived woman. 

When Christians Tolerate Anything and Everybody, You Cannot Guard the Flock Against the Wolves

These priests should be defrocked.

What’s wrong with Jesus Calling?

Cindy Jacobs, Another false prophet exposed.

"Christian Psychics" Shawn Bolz and Chris Reed are heretics deceiving people. This 34-minute demonstrates how these guys and their ilk do their “parlor tricks.”

Max Lucado waters down sin to just a “shortcut.”

Church by the Glades is a church of Satan.

More information about why you shouldn’t waste your time watching the fraudulent show, The Chosen. This 53 minute video is very informative.

Lastly, I also have questions!