Thursday, July 14, 2022

Another Agglomeration -- Already!

So much in the news since SCOTUS rightly overturned Roe v. Wade that a lot of Moloch worshippers are being exposed, even in the Church. That added to other news regarding crazy stuff being perpetrated by false teachers really added my collection of articles to share. So hold onto your seats!

This isn’t about apologetics, per se, but I think it is an excellent, thought-provoking article. I could argue it’s about apologetics in that we are looking at a biblical view of sex vs the culture’s view.

But with LEFTIST churches and teachers, they think telling someone to remain chaste is a burden and it is better to let women who have irresponsible sex to have an abortion. Just look at these “churches” and teachers: 

United Church of Christ Funeral For Roe. They want abortion so they don’t have to follow the teachings in the link above! This denomination has been apostate for decades.

The Episcopal Church continues to prove it is a church of Satan. These people are disgusting.

The Gospel Coalition is supporting abortion!!! And contrary to their claim, there is absolutely NO moral reason for abortion. TGC is as apostate as it gets.

Methodist churches worshipping Moloch.

Beth Moore—she’s about as apostate as it gets.

If you think Christians should not be in politics, you need to read this.

Moving along:

Iowa City is rife with LEFTISTs, probably because it’s home to the University of Iowa. 1st Presbyterian Church of Iowa City has proven to be what PCUSA wants it to be—a heretical teaching institution. Start this video at 39 minutes and you will hear the most blasphemous prayer I’ve ever encountered!

This “church” is no longer a church of Christ, but of Satan.

The Church of England doesn’t know what a woman isAnother look at this apostasy.

The Bethel cult is now selling “declaration clickers”— “a powerful and practical tool to help believers renew their minds with truth by helping them tabulate the number of times they speak biblically based declarations.” Greedy leaders found another way to soak their cult members.  But, hey, they now have dominion of the air!

Fake “near death experiences” and visits to heaven—beware of these frauds.

And here we thought Willow Creek was bad before!

Why Do So Many Worship Leaders Look So Gay?

More on “The Chosen” and the Mormon connection.

The Brownsville/Pensacola Revival had many false teachers who are still out there.

Three false gospels of Evangelical Christianity.

Monday, July 4, 2022


Wives, do you make your husband known at the gate? Just a thought-provoker before I expose some false teaching/teachers to avoid like the plague.

The Southern Baptist Convention now speaks of sin as “mistakes.” Which comes as no surprise the way they subvert “the Bible to Social Ends.” The SBC president says unrepentant homosexual behavior won’t send you to hell.

Priscilla Shirer continues her descent into apostasy as she preaches at Joel Osteen’s church!!

Do you remember the Brownsville/Pensacola Revival? Of course it was a fraud, as I’ve said from the beginning, but the proof shows it was a carefully planned emotional event manipulating people. The video is 54 minutes long, but eye-opening.

Christianity Today’s Russell Moore’s “justice conference” featured multiple apostate speakers who are pro-abortion and pro-homosexuality.

I learned something new about the apostate Bethel church—they promoted “prophetic Uno cards.” That’s about as bizarre as it gets.

I’ve never even heard of singer Grace Semler Baldridge, but she is obviously a fake Christian.

Roman Catholicism. First we have a Kentucky church held a service apologizing to the “LGBTQ” community! Nothing but apostasy there! Then we have rabidly pro-abortion Nancy Pelosi, who claims to be a loyal Catholic and who was denied communion by her bishop, getting communion at the Vatican!!!!  Be sure to see this great commentary on the event.

Ya know, I understand what this street preacher desired, but it’s the wrong venue. These people just see him as throwing “acid” in their faces; he really had no business being there. Take this as a lesson as to what NOT to do.

Beware of “leopard theology.”

Let’s end with some teaching about heresies.

Friday, July 1, 2022

Odd Symbology

The photo below is a scan from the front of an order of worship bulletin for a “Blue Mass” in Davenport, IA on 18 May 2022. If I remember correctly, they used the same photo on the front in previous years when I’ve played with the band outside the church before and after the service.

Okay, so why did it take me so long to address this thing? I guess I never previously thought about it, but since May this year I’ve been trying to get a chance to sit down and do a blog post and now is the time.

So here is the question:

The man on the cross is obviously Jesus, and the dove above Him obviously represents the Holy Spirit, but is the other man, with all the white hair and beard wearing white raiment, supposed to be God the Father? If so, would this be an heretical representation since God is spirit? (It reminds me of the Mormon god-man).