Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Can You Help Me?

The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such things come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.

1 Timothy 4:1-2

I’m trying to find information about Redeemer Church, the place were false teacher Tim Keller used to preach. I’ve been on their site and done some “googling” but can’t find answers the three questions I’ve been asked to research. If anyone has information regarding the following, please either comment below or send me an email. Thanks.

What is their stance on women in the pulpit?

What is their stance on the gender issue?

What is their stance on Replacement Theology?

Update 6/30: I finally found an email on their site so I just sent an email to them asking these questions. I wonder what sort of response I will get?

Sunday, June 19, 2022

An Agglomeration for "Pride Month"

“Pride Month” has all the heretics/apostates coming out of the woodwork as they mock God.

First, let’s start out with learning what “Pride Month” is.  It’s really about rebelling against God and His desires for human sexuality.

“Pride Month” is something with which no Christian should have any sympathy whatsoever.

Ah, but even a well-known Christian publisher, from where I’ve purchased many books, has decided to thumb their collective noses at God and endorse the perversion.

Then we have the “Hymn Society” blaspheming God with hymns sanctifying what God calls an abomination!

The Southern Baptist Convention is spiraling out of control.

A Mennonite denomination is now affirming fake marriage and promoting the “inclusion” of LGBTQ+ practitioners. 

Then we have a Catholic Church joining in on LGBTQ+ events.

A drag queen event, including children, in Texas was partially sponsored by a Catholic health ministry!

A ray of light is the news that a Catholic bishop said a Catholic school can no longer call themselves Catholic because they flew the LGBTQ+ flag and the Black Lives Matter flag. A man with guts!

Now let’s look at some items of regular apostasy and heresy outside of “Pride Month” celebrations, as well as wolves to avoid.

An ELCA university commencement had a prayer to Allah. Since Allah is a false Muslim god, this is just more proof of the apostate condition of the ELCA. Ah, but they are “inclusive.”

Elizabeth Prata has a whole dossier on why Richard Warren is an apostate and false teacher.

Holly Pivic exposes the New Apostolic Reformation false teachings.

With that unbiblical series “The Chosen,” you need to get used to a different Jesus.

A somewhat lengthy, but excellent, article teaches why we shouldn’t use songs from Bethel, Hillsong or Elevation Churches: doing so supports false teachers and their teachings.

Together 2022 convention will “sacrifice truth on the altar of unity.”

Lastly, Russell Moore proves he is an unworthy teacher who idolizes false teacher Beth Moore; he makes me almost nauseous.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

What About the Jews?

Question: Are the Jews automatically saved? Without going into a lot of detail, can you explain the relationship between Jews, Gentiles, and the “church” as we get closer and closer to the End Times? 

Response: Judaism is as invalid for automatic salvation as Islam. No one is saved simply because he is Jewish. The gospel “is to the Jew first,” so the Jew must need to be saved through the redemptive work of Christ just like the Gentile. That’s basic. 

The church is made up of both Jews and Gentiles who have been made into one new man through the cross of Christ. But again, that does not do away with either Jews or Gentiles, so Paul reminds us that there are now Jews, Gentiles, and the church of God. 

On the other hand, as a nation the Jews remain God’s chosen people—with a special place in God’s plan and special promises to them that pertain to the land of Palestine and the coming kingdom. Jesus was born King of the Jews, and, as the Messiah of Israel, He must reign upon the throne of His father David, as Gabriel stated to Mary. This didn’t happen when He was here the first time, and it will be fulfilled when He returns. Read Zechariah chapters 12-14. Christ returns to this earth, not to Washington, DC or London or Paris, but to Jerusalem, where His feet come down on the Mount of Olives. 

Why? To rescue His people Israel, not to rescue the church! Those who survive to this moment (about two-thirds of Israel will have perished) will see Him whom they have pierced and will realize that He is indeed the Messiah for whom they have waited, and will believe that He died for their sins, and be saved and enter into the Kingdom—and He will rule that Millennial Kingdom from Jerusalem. 

Granted, some have said it is nonsense to maintain that there is some kind of special provision for the Israelites as a nation and as a people, even when they continue to reject the gift of the cross, but anyone who says that obviously needs to read the Bible more carefully. Israel has had a long history of rejecting God, all through the wilderness and even in the promised land, and God has had to judge them for it, but He has not repudiated His promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob concerning their land, and He has sworn that He will not.

The Berean Call newsletter, May 2022.

Friday, June 3, 2022

Yes, An Agglomeration

Well, here’s another post which is nothing but links to sites which will either provide some good information or expose some of the prevalent false teachings.

First, something to think about:  According to God, the fetus is a human LONG before birth.

The whole demonic LGBTQXYZ+ agenda is taking over:

Churches That Bless Gay Marriage Victimize Children. Besides, there is no such thing as “gay marriage”—what they have is not “marriage” but an abomination before God.

What in the world are they teaching at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary?!?

“Christian homosexuals” really know how to abuse the Bible to support what God calls an “abomination.”

The Church of Scotland has rebelled against God as they dive into full apostasy.


Just about all you need to know regarding the Jehovah’s Witness fake New World Translation Bible.

Interesting history of someone who left the International Church of Christ.

Good commentary on Bethel music as well as other contemporary “Christian” music.

Bethel and false teachings. A rather long article but it exposes more of the nonsense taught there that passes for “Christian” teaching.

False teachers/heretics:

Todd White is a horrid false teacher who obviously is being used by Satan.

Kenneth Copeland is just as bad as ever.  Satan is enriching him for blaspheming God and Jesus, as well as leading people away from God.

Beth Moore is a clueless narcissist.

He should be imprisoned for the rest of his life.

Other false teachings:

I can’t say it any stronger: “The Chosen” is unbiblical trash produced by a non-Christian cult known as Mormons, and is deceiving thousands of non-discerning Christians. DO NOT watch it; it is a waste of time while polluting your mind against the truth.

Contemplative prayer is still being taught, so beware as to what it truly is — UNCHRISTIAN.

Now for some edification, albeit humorous. Close that book of 2nd Opinions.