Thoughts from the Christian perspective: discernment issues as they relate to the current state of the church and society.
Sunday, January 30, 2022
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
More Bethel False Teaching
Monday, January 17, 2022
I decided to do another one of these posts because I’ve had a lot of stuff which has been shared on sites I follow, and I really think the alerts should go out to everyone. So here is my newest collection of warnings. Among these are several videos—if you have the time to watch them.
The Revoice movement is invading conservative evangelical assemblies because people really aren’t taking the spiritual danger seriously or are ignorantly accepting it. We even have David Platt’s approval.
Avoid Lifeway Bookstores; buying from them just helps support the rampant heresies they are selling.
The Toronto “revival” of the early 1990s and the move it took to Brownsville, FL (the Pensacola revival) was spiritually dangerous and heavily loaded with false teachings. I believe there was a lot of demonic activity with it, especially the very bizarre manifestations (although some are probably just people wanting attention). The first good church we found in our area in 1996 ended splitting because the pastor and too many followers of charismania were raving about and praising the one in Brownsville. I think Christians still need to be aware of what goes on in such fake revivals. I just don’t understand how intelligent people can accept and/or follow such unholy stuff. Here’s video with some investigation of Toronto.
As I have written (and said) over and over, the ELCA should be called the Evil Leftist Church in America. I can’t see how any true Christian would tolerate this stuff.
Hillsong’s Christmas program was as sleazy as usual. If there are real Christians there, why do they put up with it?
Beth Moore went over to the Anglican Church in September 2021. I guess she wanted to be where women could be up front in the service preforming duties normally reserved for pastoral staff. Elizabeth Prata has an excellent article about the situation.
This video may be a bit long for you to watch; I watched/listened to it while doing other things. It’s about the deadly wolf Shawn Bolz. No one should be listening to him.
Just as evil, and I think demonic, is Todd White. This video is only 10 minutes but it is a good example what a hungry wolf White is. A more thorough, 44 minute video, really proves what a deceiver White is.
This next video is 23 minutes long, but soundly debunks the whole “Jezebel spirit” nonsense.
Another example of all that is wrong with the blasphemous, heretical and just plain nonsensical video series, “The Chosen.”
Then there’s arch heretic Paula White.
Catholic DePaul University has turned its back on God.
Steven Furtick is a narcissistic dangerous wolf.
When we lived in the Chicago area for 17 years, there was a radio program in the evening called “Shepherd’s Chapel” with Andrew Murray. I found the station when I would be waiting to pick up my daughter from work at the city library. As I listed to it I thought the guy was certifiably nuts but would keep listening to yell at it and then when my daughter rode home with me I’d show her what nonsense this guy was teaching. Christian Apologetics & Research ministry is calling them the “cult of the week”: Shepherd’s Chapel is an independent "Church" in Gravette, AR which was founded by a man named Arnold Murray, who commands a large audience primarily through tv and radio. Arnold denies the Trinity, teaches "Anglo-Israelism" (that the British are the "lost ten tribes" of Israel) and the "serpent seed" doctrine (that Satan had sex with Eve producing Cain and the evil race of "Kenites" still on the earth today). Thus, Shepherd's Chapel is a sub-Christian cult...
Cindy Jacobs (along with her husband) is false-teaching member of the New Apostolic Reformation and really, really needs to be avoided like the plague. Her “prophecies” for 2022 are nothing but money-grubbing. I don’t understand how anyone can listen to this false teacher.
Well, that’s it for now. Now I need to get back to work on way too many jobs.
Saturday, January 15, 2022
Superstition About Demons
Did you know a demon called "delay" keeps interfering with your blessings? This is just more unbiblical nonsense found among the charismatic false teachers. And the sad thing, the real demonic thing, is how these people cause their non-discerning followers to stumble in the faith.
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Do You Deny It?
The fashion industry caters to pride, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, not purity and holiness. Its purpose is not covering the body; but sensually packaging or uncovering it. The world does not deny this; why then do so many modern Christians?
Jeff Pollard, Christian Modesty and the Public Undressing of America, pg.65
Monday, January 10, 2022
Friday, January 7, 2022
Tuesday, January 4, 2022
More Evidence Against "The Chosen" Series
If you haven’t been convinced by my previous post exposing how blasphemous and unbiblical is The Chosen, here’s a wee bit more.
The following are excerpts from T.A. McMahon’ article, “The Chosen” Fiction in the December 2021 The Berean Call apologetics letter.
The Chosen’s audience has been conditioned to accept whatever the screenwriter, director, and other creative personnel contribute, with no apparent concern for biblical accuracy. The program that launched the series, for example, was the background story of Mary Magdalene that included the death of her father when she was young, her being raped by a Roman soldier, and the failure of Nicodemus as he attempted to exorcise demons from her. Those details came not from Scripture but from the imagination of those who contributed to the script. Yet for the greater number of viewers, few of whom have read the Bible, the images they watched were received as though they are actually in the Bible. …
We’re shown that the disciples are in charge of producing the speaking events Jesus (e.g., crowd control, distributing flyers for his events, setting up a stage complete with curtains for his presentation of the Sermon on the Mount). Do the Scriptures tells us that the wardrobe of Jesus for his stage appearance was decided upon by four women? Did Jesus, along with his mother, pine for his stepfather Joseph before his preaching on the Mount…or anywhere else in Scripture? Was Matthew, as seen throughout the series, the continual script advisor regarding the content of the sermons and teachings of Jesus? Did Jesus anxiously have to rehearse his preaching before delivering his teachings to the crowd? All those things are found in The Chosen. They are not only missing from God’s Word, their inclusion amounts to blasphemy—that is, a blatant mischaracterization of God manifest in the flesh.
This video shows just how horrible this series is:
The [Counterfeit] Chosen - The Chosen Exposed - The healing of the paralytic man Season 1 Episode 6