Thoughts from the Christian perspective: discernment issues as they relate to the current state of the church and society.
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Saturday, April 17, 2021
Agglomeration Anew
8 WRONG reasons for staying in a church that teaches false doctrine.
Clint Eastwood Reads Praise Song Lyrics. Very funny — and makes a great point about what has invaded the church.
False Assumptions—the Consequences of False Teaching. A bit long, but good.
Spiritual Dumpster-Diving:
Disgusting, absolutely disgusting. They are trying their best to justify homosexuality.
Christianity Today Astray teaches heresy again.
Raphael Warnock has again proven he is a rank heretic.
Beth Moore continues her spiral to apostasy — and Karen Swallow Prior helps her on her way. It was Donald Trump who “broke” her. Just take a look at this examination by another woman!
A Hillsong Easter. As bad as it gets. And scandal in Dallas.
How about a sample of what nonsense is taught by the Mormons? If you ever get interested in learning more about the cult called “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,” I have a blog devoted to exposing them.
Bishops and priests supporting the LGBT movement — why are the not excommunicate? And why is this bishop, who supports same-sex fake marriage, still a member of the RCC?
Matt Chandler seems to have totally forgotten what the Christian faith is really about.
Christian schooling is joining the LEFTIST culture.
The Catholic Church should DEMAND that the school no longer claim to be Catholic.
Another false teacher, Dan Minor, abuses the Bible to promote the “social justice” movement.
The REAL Church needs to stand strong against the culture. This culture will continue to get more and more wicked and destructive in attacking the truth.
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Marriage is the “Glue” Which Keeps the Man and a Woman Together
It is interesting to note that the Greek verb used in both Matthew 19:5 and Mark 10:7 is the basic verb kollethesetai, which means “he shall be glued to his wife.” In Mark 10:7 it uses the compound verb proskollethesetai, (pros, “unto” and kollethesetai, “shall be glued), which means “he shall be glued unto her.” This cannot be passive but middle voice. He shall glued to his wife by anybody else, but by himself.
Spiros Zodhiates, What About Divorce?, pg.233-234
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Did God Create Evil?
God did not create evil; He created the possibility of evil by giving us freedom. Evil is nothing more than the corruption of that which intended for good. It is logically impossible for Him to create a world in which people have genuine freedom yet without the potential to do that which is depraved or even evil. If God had created us without freedom, we would have a world without humans and a world without love.
Richard E. Simmons III, Reflections on the Existence of God, pg. 52
Sunday, April 4, 2021
Friday, April 2, 2021
The Good and the Ugly
First, let’s have a couple of good articles:
How about an elder’s children?
Biblical judgment in a “Don’t Judge Me” World.
Now I can put you into a spiraling depression to see how Satan is destroying the church. But the warnings about these things is necessary because too many Christians follow these false teachers.
I can’t warn you often enough—Stay away from Bethel music! Stay away from the cult of Bethel, period — they are NOT “apostles”!
Joanna Gaines. A new one for me, but also a dangerous one. Heads up!
Beth Moore, and her ilk, just can’t keep their “mouths” shut—proving what horrid ideology they promote; they hate conservative (i.e. biblical) Christianity.
How can they continue calling themselves Catholic?
An interesting commentary about the Vatican’s statement against same-sex fake marriage.
An excellent article about some teachings of Islam and why they vote for same-sex fake marriage.
Hillsong gets worse by the day.
Francis Chan just keeps getting worse.
These are not men of God, rather they use their position to enrich themselves.
John Piper just keeps sliding down that slippery slope to heresy.
SIGH!! — Sometimes Satan is working in overdrive.
The Pope says God made “gays” that way - totally absolving them of their sin. The Pope has been doctrinally heretical and apostate from the beginning but now he is supporting that which in the Old Testament God gave the punishment of death!
An excellent — although a bit lengthy — review of false teacher Alex Seeley’s sermon, Your Harvest Is Determined By The Seed You Sow. This is one teacher to avoid like the plague.
The Gospel Coalition long ago left the Gospel for the world. This is putrid.
“Transgenderism” invades a LEFTIST Australian church. Once you’ve left the fundamentals, anything goes.
Paula Price — another woman controlled by Satan.
Rick Joyner and Morningstar Ministries — EGADS!!
Continue to pray for good teachers to stand firm in the faith.