Thoughts from the Christian perspective: discernment issues as they relate to the current state of the church and society.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Appeasement Theology
Appeasement theology never works. It has no foundational power. It merely creates a boring compromise with the secular culture, a mishmash of beliefs that non-believers -- who need no endorsement from a defunct belief system they have already rejected -- could care less about.
Tal Brooke, "An Update on the Emerging Church," Spiritual Counterfeits Project Journal, Vol.30:2-30:3, 2006, p.55
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Random Aberrations, Apostasies, and Heresies
I’m going to start out with the Mormons today, and if there is a reader who is a Mormon it would be interesting to see their take on the issue of perfectionism. I’m looking forward to the next installment.
I’d also like to see a Mormon explain how their President/Prophet can teach something that doesn’t represent the Mormon church!
There is a group of apostates and heretics who claim the title of “Progressive Evangelicals,” but they are really “CINOs” — "Christians In Name Only." A group of these PE/CINOs actually have the audacity to call themselves, “Evangelicals for Marriage Equality,” while launching an anti-marriage campaign promoting support for same-sex fake marriage among the Church! Chelsen Vicari has a good commentary about this group.
I read another blog this week which pointed me to this next item. Charisma Magazine is a great place to find all that is bizarre in the world of charismania. Now they have an article providing us with a prophecy of which we really should take heed. I had to chuckle at the very first item, where the “prophet” prophecies about the Middle East; anyone who doesn’t know that the problems in that region are only going to get worse hasn’t been paying attention. AH, but this “prophet” claims that for over a decade he has named 2014 as the year which would lead to a “boiling cauldron” over there. From there his “prophecies” just go down hill in inanity. Pay no attention to such self-proclaimed prophets.
Would you like to know if you are being spiritually manipulated? Recovering Grace has a good article about the “tools” spiritual manipulators use.
As if Jonathan Cahn didn’t beguile enough non-discerning readers with his book, The Harbinger, he now has a new book titled, “The Mystery of the Shemitah.” Can someone explain why no Christians for the past 200+ years of the America’s existence have discovered all these “secrets” which Cahn and his ilk crank out?
Of course there are many more of those who claim all sorts of things about Biblical prophecies and how they affect us today - and the funny thing is, they often disagree with each other! This is a TV program you should be sure to pass by.
Jimmy Carter — AGAIN! This “committed Christian” has no real understanding of Scripture if he can say with a straight face that Jesus never “discriminated against anyone.” Didn’t Christ rail against the Pharisees? Didn’t he rail against false teachers? Isn’t that “discriminating”? Carter thinks that sexual behavior is no different than skin color!!
A Bishop of the Episcopal Church worships the creation rather than the Creator. I’d wonder why he hasn’t been excommunicated except the answer is the Episcopal Church.
Elizabeth Prata has an excellent article about the books which are being virtually inhaled by non-discerning Christians who are accepting all sorts of occult and new age teachings just because the authors claim to get their teachings from God.
Sola Sisters have a thought-provoking article about the Patriarchy and Quiverfull movements.
Lastly, in today’s Cedar Rapids Gazette I learned of an apostate “church” organization which has been around for four years: the Affirming Pentecostal Church, International.
The claim to fame of this “church” is that they are “affirming” of sexually perverse lifestyles; they affirm and celebrate that which is an abomination to God. It is a subject of our local news because a branch just opened locally. Oh, and if you disagree with them, you are labeled as a “hater.” I guess God is a “hater” also.
I’d also like to see a Mormon explain how their President/Prophet can teach something that doesn’t represent the Mormon church!
There is a group of apostates and heretics who claim the title of “Progressive Evangelicals,” but they are really “CINOs” — "Christians In Name Only." A group of these PE/CINOs actually have the audacity to call themselves, “Evangelicals for Marriage Equality,” while launching an anti-marriage campaign promoting support for same-sex fake marriage among the Church! Chelsen Vicari has a good commentary about this group.
A Bishop of the Episcopal Church worships the creation rather than the Creator. I’d wonder why he hasn’t been excommunicated except the answer is the Episcopal Church.
Sola Sisters have a thought-provoking article about the Patriarchy and Quiverfull movements.
The claim to fame of this “church” is that they are “affirming” of sexually perverse lifestyles; they affirm and celebrate that which is an abomination to God. It is a subject of our local news because a branch just opened locally. Oh, and if you disagree with them, you are labeled as a “hater.” I guess God is a “hater” also.
Friday, September 26, 2014
And Here It Goes
Last Sunday I wrote an article about the need for discernment with the songs the Church uses for worship. The two I gave examples of were Vineyard songs, but, as commenters pointed out the same could be said for songs from IHOP, HIllsong and the Jesus Culture — just to name a few.
I Stand In Awe of You
You are beautiful beyond description
Too marvelous for words
Too wonderful of comprehension
Like nothing ever seen or heard
Who can grasp you infinite wisdom
Who can fathom the depth of your love
You are beautiful beyond description
Majesty enthroned above
And I stand, I stand in awe of you
I stand, I stand in awe of you
Holy God to whom all praise is due
I stand in awe of you
Too marvelous for words
Too wonderful of comprehension
Like nothing ever seen or heard
Who can grasp you infinite wisdom
Who can fathom the depth of your love
You are beautiful beyond description
Majesty enthroned above
And I stand, I stand in awe of you
I stand, I stand in awe of you
Holy God to whom all praise is due
I stand in awe of you
Please, please, church leadership, give us MEAT to sing and not such trite choruses that could be sung to a girlfriend or boyfriend!
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
The Life Look
Oh God,
I bless thee for the happy moment
when I first saw thy law fulfilled in Christ,
wrath appeased, death destroyed, sin forgiven,
my soul saved.
Ever since, thou hast been faithful to me:
daily have I proved the power of Jesus' blood,
daily have I known the strength of the Spirit,
my teacher, director, sanctifier.
I want no other rock to build upon than that I have,
desire no other hope than that of the gospel truth,
need no other look than that which gazes on the cross.
Forgive me if I have tried to add anything
to the one foundation,
if I have unconsciously relied upon my knowledge,
experience, deeds, and not seen them as filthy rags,
if I have attempted to complete what is perfect in Christ;
May my cry be always, Only Jesus! only Jesus!
In him is freedom from condemnation,
fullness in his righteousness,
eternal vitality in his given life,
indissoluble union in fellowship with him;
in him I have all that I can hold;
enlarge me to take in more.
If I backslide,
let me like Peter weep bitterly and return to him;
If I am tempted, and have no wit,
give me strength enough to trust in him;
If I am weak,
may I faint upon his bosom of eternal love;
If in extremity,
let me feel that he can deliver me;
If driven to the verge of hope and to the pit of despair,
grant me grace to tall into his arms.
O God, hear me, do for me more than I ask, think, or dream.
From The Valley of Vision, Puritan Prayers and Devotions, p.96-97
Monday, September 22, 2014
"Worship" Pastors
A relatively modern invention in the Church is the “worship pastor.” I don’t know when this position was invented, but I’m guessing the reason for it was to make worship more amenable to the population at large. Of course the whole idea of a “worship pastor” is flawed, because it treats music as the primary form of worship and that without such a position our worship just might not take place — or it may not be “good.”
Here is what I have seen happening in many churches, especially the seeker-sensitive and emergent models, when it comes to “worship pastors,” and these items are gleaned from the many videos I have seen over the years, as well as from the many churches I have visited or attended:
1. They have to be “hip.” Soul patch or goatee is normal, earrings and tattoos to prove their “coolness” are also a usual part of their facade. Oh, and casual dress is a must.
2. The music chosen will usually be contemporary and most often will be what are known as “choruses” — those which go around and around with 24 words as we sing them 7 times through. Many will be vacuous, often from Vineyard or some other aberrant group or musician.
3. When they do choose to perform a traditional hymn, it has to be done with their particular style rather than in the way the entire congregation has sung it for decades.
4. The “worship pastor” tends to add commentary bridges between songs to demonstrate how he is pointing you to God.
5. During the songs it is common for the “worship pastor” to yell “amen.”
6. While everyone is singing, the “worship pastor” will very often emphasize certain phrases or words, or string out an end note, holding it several beats beyond the end of the measure — lots of “oh, oh-oh-oh-oh” additions, etc.
7. The “worship pastor” will always be dancing and swinging his guitar back and forth as he sways his head around and around.
8. And don’t forget about the music the “worship pastor” (or his pianist) will be quietly playing while the Pastor is praying — after all, we need to set the mood.
9. Rather than leading the congregation in the songs, the “worship pastor” appears to think he is a cheerleader creating enthusiasm and driving the emotions.
(And, of course, they will often write their own songs and expect everyone to learn them.)
I’ve seen these examples so many times that it takes nothing to recite them. Rather than point the congregation towards God, the distractions caused by his actions really point to him as a performer. The appearance and feeling of the service becomes more like a concert than a worship service. The more musicians the “worship pastor” has, the more concert-like the performance becomes.
The church we attend recently hired a “worship pastor,” who started his duty yesterday. It was the second time he was at our assembly, having come to perform several weeks ago so the congregation could vote for him.
Well, our new “worship pastor” fell right into the position. His first visit was definitely a harbinger of things to come, when he was given the majority of the worship time to prove his metal, and it was just one big performance. He used more traditional music that time, but he also had to sing with his wife (the pianist) as a duet with a song I believe they wrote. This Sunday he did one traditional hymn but with his own “country-style” behind it, and then it was mostly contemporary tunes which he could dance around to — including the obligatory Vineyard songs! By the end of the service he had accomplished all of the nine points above.
We already had a volunteer worship leader; a mature, dignified, and humble man, who has held the position for over 20 years. We replaced him with an immature performer; one who I am guessing is in his early-to-mid-30s. We gained nothing by putting in a paid staff member except to increase our budget needs. In the process we took a ministry away from someone who actually had a gift for the position.
When discussing the situation with one of the elders the week after the new “worship pastor” was voted in, I was told that we need to appeal to the younger generation — as if playing to a particular demographic is ever good for any Christian body!
The problem doesn’t lie with the “worship pastor” — he is only doing as he has learned. The problem lies with the leadership who sanction such nonsense in a worship leader, and with a non-discerning congregation who will vote in such a position just because the leadership suggests it; after all, if it’s good enough for the leadership, it must be okay — right?
My wife and I have attended this assembly for almost 13 years. It isn’t a perfect assembly — there isn’t such a thing. There are some things the leaders do which I disagree with — and that’s not surprising. But with all the little things, the important thing — the teaching from the pulpit — was what kept us there. As long as the teaching remains good, we will stay, but we may have to remain outside the auditorium until the sermon time begins, and then leave immediately after the sermon.
I don’t go to church to be audience for a performer. And neither should you.
I don’t go to church to be audience for a performer. And neither should you.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Discernment Needed For Worship Songs
One of the things about the modern technology being used in our worship service is that when the lyrics are projected to the assembly, the copyright line will always show the author and publisher. Think about that for a moment.
Hungry, I come to you
For I know You satisfy
I am empty, but I know
Your love does not run dry
So I wait for you
So I wait for You
I’m falling on my knees
Offering all of me
Jesus, You’re all this heart is living for
Broken, I run to You
For Your arms are open wide
I am weary, but I know
Your touch restores my life
So I wait for you
So I wait for You
I’m falling on my knees
Offering all of me
Jesus, You’re all this heart is living for.
All who are thirsty
All who are weak
Come to the fountain
Dip your heart in the stream of life
Let the pain and the sorrow
Be washed away
In the waves of his mercy
As deep cries out to deep (we sing)
Come Lord Jesus come
[repeat 3 times]
Holy Spirit come
[repeat 3 times]
As deep cries out to deep
[repeat 2 times]
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Dangerous Enemies
It is the wolf in sheep’s clothing and Satan in the garb of an angel of light who have always proved the most dangerous enemies of the church of Christ.
J.C. Ryle, “Churches Beware!” p.64
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Random Aberrations, Apostasies, and Heresies
We took a week vacation and I really got behind on reading all the news! So I’ve gleaned what I consider the most important stuff to alert my readers to.
Let’s start with asking how a Catholic Cardinal can welcome gay activist participation in a predominantly Catholic St. Patrick’s Day parade?!? Is he perhaps “gay” himself? Has the RCC disciplined this man?
Jimmy Carter, one time worst president of the United States, has often been in the news as an example of a good Christian. After all, he’s taught Sunday School for adults at his church, and since he used to be President that makes him an authority on the Bible. I’ve previously reported on his false belief system, especially in regards to interviews about the “study Bible” in which he authored the commentaries. Carter has also in the past said that Mormons are Christians. In one of my “Random…” posts I noted how Carter twisted Galatians 3:28 to “prove” to the Catholics that they should allow women priests. In another “Random…” post I noted that Carter claimed that wife-beating and other anti-woman behavior is due to such things and Rome not allowing women to be priests. NOW Carter wants us to follow the teachings of Allah! This man is what we call a CINO - Christian In Name Only.
Did you know that “confronting climate change” is a responsibility that the Bible teaches? Well, Secretary of State John Kerry says so, and we know if he said it, it must be true! Rather than checking with real Christians and real theologians, the media loves to get their Bible teaching from politicians who abuse Scripture as bad as do cults. By the way, Mr. Kerry, man can’t do anything about the changing climate.
I’ve previously addressed problems with the Hebrew Roots Movement. I came across this excellent article from the trenches — a woman whose husband got wrapped up in the movement.
The First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Davenport, IA, has a woman “reverend” who “married” two lesbians. Apparently the Disciples of Christ denomination is getting more and more liberal while walking away from the truth of Scripture
Humor for today, look what happens when martyrs read Joel Osteen tweets!
If you are not familiar with the original “9/11” massacre in 1857 when Mormons wiped out a wagon train which “violated” their territory, take a look at this Mormon Coffee article about a ballad which was written about it. Mormons continue to claim that it was rogue members with no authorization from LDS leaders, but the evidence is pretty conclusive that Brigham Young was responsible; John D. Lee (leader of the attack) states as much in his book, “Mormonism Unveiled”. For those of my readers who have an interest, I can suggest the following titles:
American Massacre, by Sally Denton
The Mountain Meadows Massacre, by Juanita Brooks
White Flag: America’s First 9/11, by Wayne Atilio Capurro
Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows, by Will Bagley
For any Mormon readers, I would like to challenge you to listen to my pastor’s sermon from this past Sunday, as he discusses “The Spirituality of God.” God is not, and never was a man. He has always been spirit.
Oh boy, oh joy! Another visit to heaven, this time by false teacher Rick Joyner.
Elizabeth Prata has some interesting information about Coptic Christians — and about Eastern Orthodoxy.
I’ve previously mentioned a new movie titled, “Holy Ghost,” and how it appeared to be unbiblical. Well, I’m not disappointed in that initial belief — the movie is by heretic Bill Johnson and his Bethel Church! You just know it has to be unbiblical with that starting point.
Gary Gilley has a good review of a new book which challenges teachings by Tim Keller. For all the good teachings Keller might have, I think this book would demonstrate why we should not recommend anything by Keller.
Lastly, just this morning I read an excellent analogy by Elizabeth Prata. I don’t want to spoil it for you — go read it for yourself.
The First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Davenport, IA, has a woman “reverend” who “married” two lesbians. Apparently the Disciples of Christ denomination is getting more and more liberal while walking away from the truth of Scripture
American Massacre, by Sally Denton
The Mountain Meadows Massacre, by Juanita Brooks
White Flag: America’s First 9/11, by Wayne Atilio Capurro
Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows, by Will Bagley
Oh boy, oh joy! Another visit to heaven, this time by false teacher Rick Joyner.
I’ve previously mentioned a new movie titled, “Holy Ghost,” and how it appeared to be unbiblical. Well, I’m not disappointed in that initial belief — the movie is by heretic Bill Johnson and his Bethel Church! You just know it has to be unbiblical with that starting point.
Gary Gilley has a good review of a new book which challenges teachings by Tim Keller. For all the good teachings Keller might have, I think this book would demonstrate why we should not recommend anything by Keller.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Show Me!
It does not matter in the least who says a thing — whether he is a bishop, archdeacon, dean, or presbyter. It does not matter that the thing is well expressed, said eloquently, attractively, forcibly, and in such a way as to turn the laugh against you. We are not to believe it unless it is proved to us by Holy Scripture.
J.C. Ryle, “Churches Beware!” p.70-71
Saturday, September 13, 2014
The Purpose of the Assembly
Nowhere in the New Testament is there any indication that the church met to preach the gospel. Rather the church met to worship, to teach the word, to pray, to have fellowship. The meeting of the church was to edify believers and to glorify God. But it was not to preach the gospel to unbelievers. Rather the saints went out into the world to preach the gospel. . . .
The practice of preaching the gospel in the church meeting developed when many unbelievers started attending church. It was a convenient time to present the claims of Christ. But there is no biblical mandate for an “evangelistic service” when the church comes together. There is a mandate to equip the saints to preach the gospel. The work of Christians is not to invite unbelievers to church so that they might hear the gospel. It is to preach the gospel themselves.
John H. Fish III, “The Life of the Local Church.” From the book, Understanding the Church, compiled and edited by Joseph M. Vogl and John H. Fish III, p.132
Monday, September 8, 2014
Are You In A Sect?
If your church associates with a group of churches that requires exclusive allegiance to itself, you are part of a sect. Despite their boastful claims, sects do not understand the New Testament doctrine of the Church. They are in error. All sects are based on half-truths, faulty reasoning, doctrinal oddities, deceptions, guilt-manipulation, and fear, which are not of the Spirit of truth and liberty. If your church denies you your Spirit-given right and privilege to fellowship with all Christ-loving, bible-loving Christians and churches, you need to obey God rather than man and free yourself and family from these unbiblical chains.
Alexander Strauch, “The Interdependence of Local Churches.” From the book, Understanding the Church, compiled and edited by Joseph M. Vogl and John H. Fish III, p.206-207
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Do Battle or Frolic?
Our fathers believed in sin and the devil and hell . . . [and in] God and righteousness and heaven. . . . Humans, our fathers held, had to choose sides — they could not be neutral. For them it must be life or death, heaven or hell, and if they chose to come out on God’s side, they could expect open war with God’s enemies. The fight would be real and deadly and would last as long as life continued here below. . . .
How different today. . . . People think of the world not as a battleground, but as a playground. We are not here to fight; we are here to frolic. We are not in a foreign land; we are at home. . . . [This idea] has now been accepted in practice by the vast majority of fundamentalist Christians. They might hedge around the question . . . but their conduct gives them away.
A.W. Tozer, cited in The Berean Call, April 1993, “Quotable.”
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Random Aberrations, Apostasies, and Heresies
Let’s start today’s program with Joel Osteen! By now everyone has probably heard about his wife, Victoria, and her claim that we obey God not because we should obey God, but because it makes us happy, and when we worship God it’s also to make us happy. And God wants us to be happy! Joel was behind her nodding approvingly, of course, because she learned his message well. This self-centered message is taking over the Church, especially among those of the “seeker-sensitive” variety. Albert Mohler posted an excellent commentary about this nonsense of the Osteens.’
Michael Gungor has really been demonstrating his heretical beliefs. I have to wonder about what sort of “Christ” he worships.
More about the recent Mark Driscoll flap, and who was really responsible for Driscoll’s rise.
The Episcopal Church is so apostate that it is not surprising when one of their women priests teaches abject heresy. The question I have is, will the Episcopal HQ rebuke her and rebut her teachings? I highly doubt it.
For many years I’ve been saying that Christian book stores are nothing more than minefields of apostasy, heresy, and all other aberrational teaching. Sad to say, but it seems like many church book stores have also become minefields. Even church libraries can be theologically dangerous, as I discovered when I became the church librarian for a church we attended many years ago - I removed dozens of books from the shelves and trashed them because of the horrid teachings. So be discerning when you use your church library or book store.
Here’s a good article explaining just about all you need to know about dominionism, reconstruction theology and the “New Apostolic Reformation.” Just more false teaching leading many, many people astray.
Back in early July I posted an article explaining that Christianity does not equal patriotism. This whole ideology has now led to a new Bible - “God’s Glory Bible.” Erin Benziger had an excellent commentary about this latest foolishness — and idolatry!
Pope Francis says that if you don’t feel “Mary” is your mother, then you are an orphan. If you haven’t read my article proving that the Catholic “Mary” isn’t the Mary of the Bible,
you might want to take this opportunity to do so. My response to the pope is, I’m no orphan because I’m an adopted son of God.
Another interesting question for the KJV Only types: Does God really expect everyone to read the KJV and no other version?
Lastly, for those who promote the belief that Christ would have no problem with same-sex “committed” unions (i.e., same-sex fake marriage), and who abuse Scripture in their attempt to prove their case, homosexuality is NOT just another sin. Of course Paul told us that, didn’t he? (1 Cor. 6:19-20)
Michael Gungor has really been demonstrating his heretical beliefs. I have to wonder about what sort of “Christ” he worships.
More about the recent Mark Driscoll flap, and who was really responsible for Driscoll’s rise.
you might want to take this opportunity to do so. My response to the pope is, I’m no orphan because I’m an adopted son of God.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Make the Church Attractive?
We have been told that we have to make the Church attractive to the man outside, and the idea is to become as much like him as we can. There were certain popular padres during the first world war who mixed with their men, and smoked with them, and did this, that, and the other with them, in oder to encourage them. Some people thought that, as a result, when the war was over, the ex-service men would be crowding into the churches. Yet it did not happen, and it never has happened that way. The glory of the gospel is that when the Church is absolutely different from the world, she invariably attracts it. It is then that the world is made to listen to her message, though it may hate it at first. That is how revival comes. That must also be true of us as individuals. It should not be our ambition to be as much like everybody else as we can, though we happen to be Christian, but rather to be as different from everybody who is not Christian as we can possibly be. Our ambition should be to be like Christ, the more like Him the better, and the more like Him we become, the more we shall be unlike everybody who is not Christian.
This is something all those “seeker-sensitive” and “market-driven” pastors should pay attention to!
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
A Conditional Marriage?
If you were proposing marriage to someone, what would the one receiving the proposal say if you said, “I want you to know this proposal changes nothing about my allegiances and my behavior and my daily life; however, I do want you to know that should you accept my proposal, we shall theoretically be considered married. There will be no other changes in me on your behalf.” In a strange way we have minimized every sacred commitment and made it the lowest common denominator. What does my new birth mean to me? That is a question we seldom ask. Who was I before God’s work in me, and who am I now?
From the book, “Beyond Opinion,” Ravi Zacharias, author and general editor, p.306-307